FE Heroes discussion

By the way, the month's ending soon so you guys might wanna finish up your monthly quests before it expires.
i love that people are saying summer leo was underrated af because i agree, he's the good boi we all deserved

alsooo pulled a -spd +atk dorcas from the 8% so i'm very happy
I got a summer Corrin on my free summon!! Super happy because I really like her (I mean, she has magic fish!) but I didn't wanna waste any orbs. I'm trying to save them up
Im reallyyy wanting summer leo or gauis, esp gauis i hear he's a great colorless and i need a replacement. Sadly the takumi meta is dead :(
Managed to get Ephraim relatively easily this morning, with +atk/-HP IVs. I'm dumbfounded, it's like my luck has done a complete 180 and I'm a little scared in case I get stuck in a bad IV streak again. I know it's all just RNG but I'm stupidly superstitious about it sometimes lol. Either way, this is my only Ephraim and I'm ecstatic to finally have one. He's going to support his poor -atk sister on my cavalry team. So wholesome I cry.

I'll give up on Valentine's Hector, I got a +atk/-spd Roy instead and I've been building him up with refined Guard Bow+. I think I underestimated him initially, he's a great enemy phase unit, but he does require a LOT of inheritance.

Can't wait for the voting gauntlet, I'm in dire need of feathers and sacred coins.
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Managed to get Ephraim relatively easily this morning, with +atk/-HP IVs. I'm dumbfounded, it's like my luck has done a complete 180 and I'm a little scared in case I get stuck in a bad IV streak again. I know it's all just RNG but I'm stupidly superstitious about it sometimes lol. Either way, this is my only Ephraim and I'm ecstatic to finally have one. He's going to support his poor -atk sister on my cavalry team. So wholesome I cry.

I'll give up on Valentine's Hector, I got a +atk/-spd Roy instead and I've been building him up with refined Guard Bow+. I think I underestimated him initially, he's a great player phase unit, but he does require a LOT of inheritance.

Can't wait for the voting gauntlet, I'm in dire need of feathers and sacred coins.

Try Brave Bow+, Death Blow and Swordbreaker on Roy... You'll have a colourless Reinhardt among you!
Try Brave Bow+, Death Blow and Swordbreaker on Roy... You'll have a colourless Reinhardt among you!

I'd rather build him to bait since I need that role in this team (I use Brave Lyn as a player phase nuker), I like having the flexibility of being able to cover both phases of battle. It's definitely a cheaper alternative though, but it's an entirely different role for him as well. Pretty versatile unit!

Oops I just realised I accidentally said he was a good player phase unit in my last post. I meant enemy phase lol. He can do both pretty well, but his defensive stat spread is too good to pass up.
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This was my free summon. I was trying for a Tharja, but Leo is even funnier. Now I want more of the swimsuit units. I also got the evil Robin today. Yay!

How do you tell if their stats are good though? The other posts here make it sound like heroes have IVs. Do they also have EVs? Lol

This was my free summon. I was trying for a Tharja, but Leo is even funnier. Now I want more of the swimsuit units. I also got the evil Robin today. Yay!

How do you tell if their stats are good though? The other posts here make it sound like heroes have IVs. Do they also have EVs? Lol

Congrats on your pulls! Heroes do have IVs yeah, a boon in one stat and a bane in another. Unfortunately they can make or break a unit so it's just another layer of RNG added on top of summoning, similar to Pok?mon (though I'm not very familiar with the mechanics of Pok?mon). I use this page for checking IVs, just make sure to unequip your unit's weapon (or any other stat increasing passives) and also select the correct rarity for them before cross referencing.

Edit: It's still possible to enjoy the game without worrying about IVs, and in fact I'd recommend trying not to care. I'm crazy about min-maxing and I'm not going to lie, worrying so much about IVs has made me feel like crap sometimes, but with the right build and supporting units even a unit with "bad" IVs can still shine in some areas. But having fun is more important over all. I still think it's a dumb system and I pray that they give us a way to reset IVs to neutral some day lolololasgvjjnxdh.
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They have opposite IV's. Corrin is +HP -Atk and Olivia is +Atk -HP. idk what I'll do with Corrin since I'm not intetested in making a flier emblem team. PA!OLIVIA IS MY FAVORITE DANCER TO USE THOUGH SO GETTING ONE WITH NOT-THE-WORST-POSSIBLE IV'S IS FANTASTIC! (I have +Def -Spd right now rip)
This was my free summon. I was trying for a Tharja, but Leo is even funnier. Now I want more of the swimsuit units. I also got the evil Robin today. Yay!

How do you tell if their stats are good though? The other posts here make it sound like heroes have IVs. Do they also have EVs? Lol

EV's are not in the game thankfully.
The most reliable way to find IV's requires the unit to be at either level 1 or level 40. So unless you screenshotted his stats at level 1, you'll have to wait a while to find out. Looking at Summer Leo's stats though, they're a lot better than I remember them being and he looks pretty IV-proof, so you should be able to work with just about anything. (He reminds me of Boey actually, just with Def and Res swapped).
Really hoping next month's banner has a colourless hero and the halloween units since they're the only colurless units left. I haven't gotten any of them and I just want to +10 saizo already :/

If they are colourless, I'd really want them to be a healer or dagger pls no bow
I just need to start building up orbs again.
I'm not especially confident in my builds tho.

Fjorm totally wrecks me in arena.
I tend to want to try out my new heroes so I did not look at level 1. I am kind of curious about my Niles stats since I threw a bunch of feathers at him to make him 5 stars. I think he is around level 25 right now though. Probably should have checked before, but he is my favorite character so he had to become a 5 star one. What is with the characters at the beginning of the game that only show 2 stars? Does that mean the main characters are worse than any character you can summon? :p

I also have a question about inheriting skills. Can you inherit any skill or are there limits? Like can you give a sword user a skill healers have like Miracle?
Really hoping next month's banner has a colourless hero and the halloween units since they're the only colurless units left. I haven't gotten any of them and I just want to +10 saizo already :/

If they are colourless, I'd really want them to be a healer or dagger pls no bow

We still have 4 units left between the 2 summer banners and the PA banner, so it may take until the April banner for Halloween units to come back. Although those 4 units are S!Tiki, S!Elise, PA!Inigo, and PA!Shigure. I can't remember if Gunnthra is sitting out the next banner but even if she is, having 3 seasonal green units sounds a bit sketchy to me, so maybe 1 of them will get subbed out another month and a Halloween unit will take their place, idk.
And if we do get a legendary colorless unit I can almost guarantee that they'll be a bow user sadly. :/

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Actually looking at the list of 5 star exclusive colorless units, Mist is the only one left. So maybe IS will dump their 4 seasonals per legendary banner rule and have some Halloween units next month! Or they could just repeat characters we already got like Genny and Elise (which I won't complain about).

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I tend to want to try out my new heroes so I did not look at level 1. I am kind of curious about my Niles stats since I threw a bunch of feathers at him to make him 5 stars. I think he is around level 25 right now though. Probably should have checked before, but he is my favorite character so he had to become a 5 star one. What is with the characters at the beginning of the game that only show 2 stars? Does that mean the main characters are worse than any character you can summon? :p

I also have a question about inheriting skills. Can you inherit any skill or are there limits? Like can you give a sword user a skill healers have like Miracle?

Every character can be promoted to 5 stars and Alfonse, Sharena, and Anna are all worth a consideration at the very least since they do rotate as arena bonus units every week. They are in a way worse than other units as they can not get merges but that's something you shouldn't worry about for a long time. If you enjoy using any of them, continue using them.

Skills usually have some alert under their description about what unit types can't inherit the skill, so healing skills are exclusive to healers, Sing/Dance are exclusive to their respective units, only green tome users can use green tomes, etc. The only somewhat odd choice is that _____ Dance skills like Blaze Dance and Earth Dance can be inherited by anyone even though only 8 units in the game can make use of them.
Ooh miracle doesn't say it is limited to healers, but it is on my favorite healer. Bummer. I also never use the main characters because I prefer archers and mages more than sword users. I just thought it was strange they had a different star rank.

Do you mean merge under advanced growth? I use that whenever I get a repeat character. I rather have more sp on one unit than like 7 Bartres.

I don't think I have tbt friends in this game yet. My friend code is 1239443630. My name is Tyki and my main character right now is Niles.
And if we do get a legendary colorless unit I can almost guarantee that they'll be a bow user sadly. :/

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Actually looking at the list of 5 star exclusive colorless units, Mist is the only one left. So maybe IS will dump their 4 seasonals per legendary banner rule and have some Halloween units next month! Or they could just repeat characters we already got like Genny and Elise (which I won't complain about).
Noooooooo. I'm drowning in bow units and now that healers can do damage and heal, I really want more.

I forgot Mist even existed in the game forget just being a 5 star exclusive ahah. If they do rerun Elise and Innes that will be enough for me to pull colourless
I was just hoping for Ephraim, but have only gotten 2 Shiro’s (which the first one I didn’t mind as I didn’t have him yet), and a Summer Corrin (who I already have). Darn it game xD

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Whelp make that 3 Shiro’s now... help xD