FE Heroes discussion

^^ Congrats to you. :]


I've spent 283 orbs on the Mythic Banner and I wasn't able to obtain the ideal unit that I wanted. Fortunately, I was able to get two copies of Legendary Lucina (one is +Atk/-HP and one is +Spd/-Res) and one Legendary Eliwood (+Atk/-Hp) out of it. Plus one merged my +Atk/-Hp Legendary Lucina with my old +Spd/-Hp Legendary Lucina. Overall, I am somewhat disappointed on my haul and will just continue saving my orbs for the other units that I want. I'll try again in September for Legendary Ephraim if I feel like I have the orbs to summon for him. It is currently stated that he'll come back again in September along with Legendary Lucina. Hope I don't get her when I try again for Legendary Ephraim.

I was actually close to being tempted to summon more after spending 283 orbs then I told myself that I'll probably end up with another Legendary Lucina if I did. So... I am pretty proud of myself for being able to resist spending more my orbs on this banner.

Update: My current orb count is at 623 orbs. Praying that the Summer's Arrival revival banner will be good to me.

New Heroes are coming to Fire Emblem Heroes soon.
Check this video out if you haven't already.


I was quite relieved when I first saw the thumbnail for the video because it wasn't a Sacred Stones banner. Sometimes I worry that a random Sacred Stones banner is going to pop up outta nowhere. In any case... This upcoming banner gives me a chance to save more of my orbs for Summer Innes and Summer Tana as well as some of the CYL4 units. I'm quite close to getting all the Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones units in the game.

It was interesting to me that the English voice lines for Say'ri wasn't in the video trailer, but it did say that the English voice lines will be implemented in the game at some point. I wonder what the English voice lines for Say'ri is going to be like.

I was a bit surprised to see Mirabilis showing up in the trailer. Her English voice seems nice. Can't wait to hear Mirabilis' English voice lines.

Anyways... Good luck to those that are going to summon on this banner. Hope you get the unit you want as well as decent IVs for them.


Update: My orb count at the moment is 696 orbs. My orb bank is safe for the time being now that I've seen the trailer video.
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this the weirdest goddamn banner i've ever seen lmao tf are you doing there mustafa
I got screwed in Arena Assault by some guy named NoobLegend29 and am furious

That being said this banner is nice, probably the best Anna art yet but I'm still saving (my low orb count) for the Sonya rerun in a couple weeks

Pretty surprised when I saw this video of Book IV (Realm of Nightmare) on Youtube. On Reddit... There was some hype about a potential FEH Channel then it ended up being something else instead. I'm kind of curious on what's going to happen moving forward in Book IV.


Update: My orb count at the moment is 724 orbs. Still going strong on saving my orbs for the units that I want. I ended up getting a +Atk/-Def Larcei and a +Atk/-HP Mirabilis when I used my free summon and the 9 summoning tickets for the Book IV Mid: Mirabilis and More banner.
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Ugh been trying to get Tanith got like all the other banner guys :^)))) This game likes me it was one of the most wanted units for me when I got back in it but ..no ripperoni lol

A new Feh Channel video is up to talk about the latest information for the game. Check the video out if you haven't already.

Check out these links down below too:
Fire Emblem Heroes - Special Heroes (Summer Passing)
Fire Emblem Heroes - Harmonized Heroes, Mia and Marth

  • 2020 Summer Banner (Part 1) - I was kind of surprised when I saw this summer banner. Didn't expect more Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones units to come so soon. I'm still aiming for Summer Innes and Summer Tana. Definitely going to summon on this new banner. Hoping to get Summer Lute and Summer Selena. I would add Summer Joshua to my list as well, but I am not sure how lucky I would be though. The maximum orbs that I'll probably spend on the banner would be up to 300 orbs. Need to save for Summer Innes and Summer Tana.

  • Harmonized Heroes - I think the Harmonized Heroes is a interesting concept. Having two heroes from different worlds to join up together like Duo Heroes. Plus... Some units will benefit from the harmonized skill. Summer Mia is going to be the first Harmonized Hero.

  • Call of the Sea Event Series - The Event consist of: a Log-In Bonus, Reward Maps, and Special Hero Gift. The Log-In Bonus gives out 200 Normal Divine Codes and 150 Limited-Time Divine Codes. Reward Maps give out a maximum of 14 orbs. The Special Hero Gift consist of past Summer Units that came to Fire Emblem Heroes. You get to have a free Summer unit, but the summoning circle is randomized.

  • Resonant Battles - A new game mode that is coming to Fire Emblem Heroes. It's kind of interesting to me. Don't have much of an opinion on it yet. Though... It would be nice to get orbs out of this new game mode, but I guess that isn't happening at all.

  • New Feature on Aether Raids: Auto-Displatch - This new feature that's coming to Aether Raids is very nice. New way to play Aether Raids without really playing it. Only play Aether Raids for the rewards and that's basically it.

Overall: The FEH Channel was alright. But... I am excited to try to get the new Summer Units as well as getting Summer Innes and Summer Tana. I am hoping that I get a red summoning stone for the Special Hero Gift since I think my best bet is to aim for red.

Update: My orb count at the moment is 799 orbs. I think I might be too broke after summoning for these Summer units that I wanted.
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I will be passing on this banner aside from the free pulls of course. Will probably go colourless for the new harmonized hero and blue as backup. Otherwise not too worried on this one.
I've spent 147 orbs on the Summer Passing Banner and I was able to obtain all the new Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones Summer units. It took me 116 orbs to get them all, but I summoned a bit more to see if I could get a better IV Summer Joshua. My Summer Joshua's IV is +HP/-Res (Got him in 23 orbs.) while my Summer Lute is +Atk/-HP (Got her in 17 orbs) and my Summer Selena is +Spd/-Res (Got her in 76 orbs). I was also able to get a +HP/-Def Mamori when I summoned on the banner. My free Special Hero Gift ended up being Summer Tiki (Young) with +Def/-Res.

Overall, I am pretty satisfied with my summoning sessions. Didn't have to spend that many orbs to get the units I wanted on this Summer Banner. I can now save up for Summer Innes and Summer Tana in order to complete my collection of Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones units in the game.

Update: My orb count at the moment is 665 orbs. Saving the rest of my orbs for Summer Innes and Summer Tana.

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Yesssss finally got Mamori. Failed to get her from both the OG crossover banner and that one banner they released a while ago with her on so really happy about it. I got all other 3 + the TT blue haired dude so really happy =D

A new legendary hero is coming to Fire Emblem Heroes pretty soon.
Check this video out if you haven't already.


Whoa... :0 Legendary Seliph is finally coming to Fire Emblem Heroes. There were some people on Reddit that are looking forward to having a Seliph alt. His legendary hero art looks really nice. I'll have to pass on summoning for this upcoming legendary hero banner though. Spent 170 orbs on the Summer's Arrival Banner. Plus... I am saving orbs for some of the CYL4 units, possibly the Desert Mercenaries Revival, and another copy of Legendary Ephraim. Sometimes I worry that another Sacred Stones Banner is going pop out of nowhere like the Summer Passing Banner and ruin my current streak of having all the Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones units in Fire Emblem Heroes.

Anyways... Good luck to those that are going to summon on this banner. Hope you get the unit you want as well as decent IVs for them.


Update: My orb count at the moment is at 615 orbs. I've spent 170 orbs on the Summer's Arrival Banner. Ended up getting the two units (Summer Innes and Summer Tana) that I needed to complete my Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones units collection in Fire Emblem Heroes. Though... I did get three other 5-star units along the way when getting the two units that I wanted. The units I ended up getting in the Summer's Arrival Banner are: Sacred Memories Eirika (+Spd/-Res), Laevatein (+Spd/-Atk), Karel (+Def/-HP), Summer Innes (+Res/-Spd), and Summer Tana (+Atk/-Res). I ended up getting both Summer Innes and Summer Tana in the same summoning circle when I was trying to summon for both of them. I'm pretty happy that I didn't spend 200 orbs trying to get these units. It would have been pretty sad if it had though. I was thinking about getting a better IV for my Summer Innes, but I decided against it since I was worried about spending too many orbs.

Now that I've completed my collection of Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones units in Fire Emblem Heroes... I'm thinking about which of these units would work together for a theme team since I've always wanted to make a theme team for them. I haven't fully decided on that yet, but I definitely want to use either my Legendary Ephraim or Duo Hero Ephraim for my theme team. I'm sure I'll figure this out eventually.

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I wasn't going to pull for Seliph but his art is beautiful and I'm currently playing Genealogy for the first time and never did build an OG Seliph. Luckily I got him. +Spd lol but I'm just happy to get him really.

I swear the game loves to give me speedy units with -Spd and slow units with +Spd. On Legendary Chrom's intro banner I got two of him that were +Spd. I also have a -Spd Elenora

New Heroes are coming to Fire Emblem Heroes soon.
Check this video out if you haven't already.

Check out these links down below too:
Fire Emblem Heroes: Overseas Memories Units [Neutral Stats]
Fire Emblem Heroes: Overseas Memories Units [Superboons & Superbanes]


The 2nd 2020 Summer Banner ended up being a full Fire Emblem: Three Houses seasonal banner. I wasn't really surprised for it to be the case since it was bound at some point. In any case... I'm really liking Ingrid's artwork a lot. Her artwork really looks nice. Sylvain is the 4-star demote for this banner apparently while Lorenz is the Tempest Trial+ unit. Not sure if I want to summon on the banner just yet since I am currently waiting on the Desert Mercenaries Banner Revival before deciding if I want to summon on the upcoming summer banner. Perhaps if I were to summon on the banner after the Desert Mercenaries Banner Revival then I'll most likely aim for Sylvain since he is the 4-star demote. If I were to get Sylvain on the banner then that would mean I would need one more unit for a Blue Lions route team. I have a Male Byleth and a Mercedes.

Anyways... Good luck to those that are going to summon on this banner. Hope you get the unit you want as well as decent IVs for them.


Update: My orb count at the moment is 705 orbs. Although I have a Male Byleth... I ended up getting another Male Byleth with neutral IVs as my free summon on the Tempest Trial Banner. I was kind of hoping for Hubert, but I'll take the free Male Byleth that I recieved.
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BEACH SYLVAIN HYPE TRAIN!!! I am so excited for that beautiful boy!! Kinda disappointed by the lack of Felix but hopefully he’ll have his time.
got legend Seliph also on like last try which is def nice, i need some good guys to train up when i have time c:
I've spent 135 orbs on the Desert Mercenaries Revival Banner. The 5-star units that I got on the banner are: Brave Alm (+Res/-Spd), Adrift M!Corrin (+Atk/-Def), Ewan (+Atk/-Def), and Neutral IV Duo Ephriam (My Free Summon). I did get some 3 copies of Tethys as a 4-star unit.

I also did my free summon on the Overseas Memories Banner and ended up get a 4-star Summer Sylvain (+Def/-Spd). Not the IVs I wanted, but I'll take it for the time being. All I am looking for currently is for another Blue Lions unit to make a Blue Lions route team.

Overall, I am pretty satisfied with my summoning sessions and I hope this type of luck I'm having will continue to stay with me.

Update: My orb count at the moment is at 620 orbs. I'm just going to save up my orbs for CYL4 and another copy of Legendary Ephraim.
