Buying TBT - Any Amount

Mayor Name: Pansear
Friend Code: In my sidebar
IGB Wanted: 20 mil
TBT Total: 100 TBT

PM me if agreed.
Mayor Name: Bobby
Friend Code: See Sidepanel
IGB Wanted: $7mil
TBT Total: 30tbt

If you accept please private message me :)
Mayor Name: Sarah
Friend Code: On the left side
IGB Wanted: 8.2 million
TBT Total: 36

Just shoot me a private message if you're good with the deal! :p
Last edited:
Agh!! I'll try to get orders sorted through. My 3ds Xl literally suicided off my bed and now the top screen won't work. I'm trying to find a way to transfer my data to my new one without overwriting it.
Oh I feel sorry for you :( I'm probably going to be on for the next few hours so hit me up whenever :)
Mayor Name: Sarah
Friend Code: in my sidebar
IGB Wanted: 20 mil
TBT Total: 100 TBT
Thank you! c: