Pokémon Who else would rather see Kanto remakes than Sinnoh remakes?

I'm pretty torn about this. I'd love a Kanto sequel, as I do think it has had enough straight remakes for a very long time. While I recognise that Sinnoh is blatantly the next due for a remake, it still feels so recent somehow, and to be honest it's quite possibly my least favourite region, so I'm in no hurry whatsoever to go back there and would much rather have almost anything else. :(
I'd rather them do a far more exciting region than either of them. Johto or Unova, Sinnoh was the region that nearly killed Pokemon for me.
I'd definitely prefer a better Kanto game since I played Red/Blue growing up, but I'm sure all the kids who played Gen 4 in elementary school have been looking forward to a remake, so it's their turn!

To me the worst Pokemon generation was Gen 3, so I'm just happy I don't have to see Hoenn for a while.
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Kanto is Kanto. Kanto is gen 1. Kanto is old school, classic, OG, pokemon. Creating a remake of those games would completely offset what makes them so special; their originality. The reason why they are such great games is because they're original! They are what almost every Pokemon player thinks of as nostalgic. How do most sequels to "classic" movies turn out..? Generally speaking, pretty awful, at least when compared to the original. Of course there are exceptions, and none of this is to say that Kanto remakes could not/would not be done well, as I'm sure they would be. But it seems as though they hold a special place in player's hearts, and going forth with a remake could tear some of that specialty right out of the series.
Not really. The only thing that really makes Kanto special in my opinion is the nostalgia factor. There's nothing really interesting about the region itself, at least if you don't count the Rainbow Islands and everything else that was added in FR/LG (games that I absolutely love to pieces, by the way).

Gen 4 was far from my favorite, but I'm personally a lot more interesting to see how Sinnoh's snowy peaks and the terrifyinggly beautiful Distortion World could look like in 3D.
No remakes again, please. Just focus on creating new games with new stories that future generations can look back on and enjoy. Recycling isn't good in the video game world.