What is your daily/nightly routine?


I hear the secrets that you keep...
Nature Nuts 🐿️
Mar 10, 2015
Old Eggs
Sweet Bunny Balloon
Sweet Bunny Balloon
Sweet Bunny Balloon
Sweet Bunny Balloon
Sweet Bunny Balloon
Yellow Balloon
Sweet Balloon
Pink Balloon
Sweet Balloon
Yellow Balloon
What do you do during the day? At what times? Are you a person who showers at night or in the morning? Do you eat breakfast or not? Share with us!
I'm a night shift worker, so my daytime schedule gets kinda whacky.

My "day" starts at 9:45 when I wake up from my pre-work nap, where I get dressed, pack a quick lunch, and call my taxi. I only live a few miles from the place I work, but it's too far to walk and I can't drive, so taxis, as unrelyabe as they can be, are really my only option, which kinda sucks. (I got my learner's permit finally so my boyfriend can start teaching me to drive! Sad at age 24, but better than never, right?)

Anyway, I work night shift alone from 11pm-7am, when I catch the bus home, and I'm home by 7:30, I say good morning to my pupper, maybe grab a small snack and get ready for bed, I'm usually off to sleep between 8:30am-9am. I'll sleep (provided I don't have any appointments or need to wait up for anything like repair guys or signed packages that my roommate gets,) until around 1pm-2pm, when I wake up to take care of pupper, get her lunch and take her for a walk and such, get myself something to eat, shower, watch TV and play ACNL until around 5:30, when I start winding down, and I'm usually off to sleep between 6:30-7pm. Wash, rinse, repeat.

My boyfriend drives in from virginia every other weekend when he has 3 day weekends (he has a set schedule for the whole year,) so on weekends when he's here, we'll usually relax and go out on a sunday date.

It's a life of routine, but I enjoy it :3
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I always shower before bed if I can. I think hair looks best like at least 8 hours after a shower. Plus dry skin.

I eat breakfast every day. I used to sit down and eat cereal and juice daily until I was like 19 but now I eat a pop tart or like chicken in a hurry. I always turn on the TV when I get back from class or work if my dad isn't home just because I hate a quiet house
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morning: take meds, die, est breakfast, brush my teeth and w/e, put on clothes, die, go to school
before i sleep i usually take a shower, put on pyjamas, take meds, brush my teeth and then i lie down in bef and Die until i finally fall asleep
i take a shower before bed as i have to get up at 4 (and getting up even a minute earlier is not worth it), i go to work all day, come home, take all my makeup off and put on comfy clothes, watch tv and try to avoid falling asleep, make dinner... the end, honestly. i'm not even 100% sure what my routine is on days off because they go by so damn fast
on weekdays wake up at 6 to take a shower (on nights i go to bed late i wake up at 7 instead), brush my teeth, wash my face, get my **** together extremely fast, and am out the door by 7:40 or so. chapel starts at 8 and it takes like 10 minutes to get to school, so im always almost late or late. it sucks when im late because my seat is so far away and im so tall that it makes stepping over people hell and i always step on people fml. after chapel go to art, then walk allllll the way to the language building and take terrifying japanese class (i hate it so much im failing my last test score was a 12/20 but thank god they cant make me retake it), then go to the only class i actually somewhat like which is humanities. my class is kinda nice despite having no friends in that class. we take 10 mins of humanities then they dismiss us to lunch. lunch is split into times and i have 2nd lunch while every single one of my friends are in 1st lunch which makes me really sad because i dont see them anymore because my class levels are different from theirs so i dont have any time to talk to them. lunch is 30 mins so i eat my food super fast so i can use the rest of lunch to run to the art building and draw. after we go back to humanities for 60 mins then its free block, mostly homework hell. finally its either P.E. or computer lit depending on the day. i get out of school at 3:15 so i either walk to my grandpas or get picked up by my mom. on thursdays its art club so i stay till 5 but its mostly the super rich exchange students and me so i feel kinda awkward but they have copic markers so. after this i go home and do homework for a little bit but 90% of the stuff i do at home is me ****ing around. last night i layed on my kitchen floor for like an hour with my dog so i dont exactly have great time management skills. im trying to make a schedule but who knows lol. i take a shower and wash my face at like 12 even though i really want to start going to bed at 9 but end up just laying in my bed for 3 hours with my eyes shut. most of the time ill get tired of trying and hop out of bed and draw or play video games at like 3 am on school nights. wake up and repeat. weekends are 50% doing absolutely nothing to further myself and 50% drawing or video games.
I wake up at 6am every morning and shower, eat, take medications, etc. and spend the rest of my day (8am - 4:30pm) in lecture halls or at work. Once I get home I usually do nothing for at least 3 hours because I'm exhausted, then I do some minimal studying/work, eat, watch TV, and go to sleep by 11pm.

I spend my weekends roughly the same; 6am, shower, eat, medication, etc. but I spend all day doing homework & readings & studying in preparation for the next week.
Its not special at all pretty much. Just wake up, use the bathroom once, eat, take meds, brush teeth, change, and if its my week I do the laundry. At night, I take my meds, brush teeth, shower, change, then wait until its time to go to bed.
I still go to school.. so yeah. I wake up, then I brush my teeth then choose my clothes and eat breakfast. That's basically all except for showerig b/c I do that at night every day.
in the daytime i suffer and procrastinate on endless work i get from school and nap and at night i stay up til like 4 am until i regret my life and finally fall asleep lol
Wake up: 7 AM - 7:20 AM
Brush hair: After I get out of bed
Get stuff on: After brushing hair
Wait for bus: After getting stuff on-7:29 AM

Take bath
Eat food
Brush teeth

I live a very simple life. I have a friend that spends like 1 hour on her outfit then 15 minutes on her makeup (i hate makeup)
I live a very simple life. I have a friend that spends like 1 hour on her outfit then 15 minutes on her makeup (i hate makeup)

I never understood how people can take so long on their hair, makeup or clothes. I remember that it was "hip" to spend two hours straightening your hair every morning in high school. There were girls who would wake up at 5am every morning to straighten their hair before school. How they managed to do that is beyond me.
My only real solid routine is "remember to eat in the morning, remember to brush my teeth before I fall asleep", and even that gets messed up sometimes. Not got much of a real routine.
My schedule is all everywhere because I work nights, so I sleep during the day on my weekdays, and then stay up during the day and sleep at night so I can spend time with my family during my weekends.

During my work days I will sleep up until about an hour before I have work, get up and get ready, I don't shower at night because then my wet hair is very cold, plus my hair takes forever to dry and I don't want to be dripping all over my work clothes and be wet all night. I wash my face and do my make-up and then get dressed and go to work. I work for ten hours and during my work I'm on here, or coloring or drawing, then I do the bulk of my work around 3-4 am and then continue to do whatever until I get relieved at 8am. Then I go home and eat, my one meal of the day, and stay up for a few hours at least, watching tv, playing video games, whatever. On occasion I will do something because I work the weekends, so I'll get off work and go out with my sister or mom to go shopping or something, and not go to bed until 4-5pm and only get a few hours of sleep. But when I am home I will try to go to sleep around 2-3pm so I can at least get some good sleep, sometimes I go to sleep sooner but it's not too often. Then it repeats. Sometimes I'll shower when I get off of work so at least my hair can dry in the few hours before I go to bed.

On my days off I have no real normal schedule, I'll sleep at night and get up usually really early in the morning, like at five or something, and then hang out in bed playing videogames, watching tv, until 8-10am when my boyfriend decides to wake up. Then one of us or both of us will make breakfast, watch something on Netflix. That's pretty much the only regular thing we do, everything else changes but we never really go anywhere or do anything because my mom and sister work and have the vehicles so we can't really do anything outside of the house. But we'll play games, clean our room, be lazy most of the time etc etc. And then we usually have some kind of big dinner we make together during our days off, our fave to do is Chinese food. But most of the time we just kind of do nothing on our days off, like we'll watch movies or play video games by ourselves in the same room. It's super sad. I have a sad life...
I don't really have a daily routine it's always different lol but night is pretty much the same, brush my hair and teeth, get a bottle of water and fall asleep to RoosterTeeth/Funhaus videos. Listening to your favs while going to sleep is the best.
Depending on my class times... I'll wake up at either 7am or 8am. Then I lay in bed, eat breakfast, watch videos on my food whilst trying to wake up. Then half an hour later I'll go shower, get dressed, straighten my hair, do my make-up, pack my bag, and go to classes. Usually my classes will last from 9am/10am - 3pm/4pm most days of the week. Sometimes I finish earlier than usual but even when I do I'll be busy doing other stuff. :') Then I'll come home, chill out for a bit, then maybe start doing some homework / studying. Make some dinner, go back to studying. About 9pm-ish I'll take off my make-up and clean my face, get into pyjamas, and then just lay in bed watching Netflix until it's time for bed.
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During the week I wake up at 6.00 to walk the dog, I usually return at about 6.30 by which time I'll make my breakfast and browse the internet for a bit. If it's a Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday then I'll start to get ready for work. I leave the house at about 8, giving me enough time to get to work at 9. On the days when I'm not at work, I'll start doing the boring housework as well as keeping the puppy occupied.

To tell you the truth, I don't really follow a night time routine. I go to sleep based on how tired I am, it's usually around 11PM that I'll head up to bed. Recently, I've been getting up early and going to bed as late as 2, that needs to be changed. :L
My nightly routine involves skimming these very forums and watching whatever anime i'm currently following.

As for my daily routine, if i have school its usually go to school, go home, laze around and eat, if i don't have school, then its the same excluding the part where i go to school.
before i go to bed i tie up my hair out of my face, change into my pyjamas and brush my teeth. then i wash my face and put cream on my face and neck where i have eczema and put a different cream on my body where i have eczema. then get into bed and draw or watch youtube. or go to sleep if i feel really tired.