Have you ever seen your school on fire?


Senior Member
Apr 24, 2016
Old Eggs
My school was on fire today and everyone got sent home :D
(i don't think anyone was hurt??)
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The shop class set on fire when I was in high school and everyone got to go home. But I don't remember seeing the fire, just smelling the smoke.
When I was in elementary school I was coming back from lunch and everyone was outside in there evacuation spot. Turns out some kid started a fire in the lost and found bin.

That's my only experience
That excited face got me, lol. The closest thing set on fire in high-school was a trash can in the men's room.
Someone in university managed to light a beaker of ethanol on fire and then knock it over. The funniest part is that they could have put it out with a fire blanket but they used the extinguisher and made an even bigger mess.
the vending machines caught fire at my old high school once, everyone was so dramatic lmao
There was a small fire at one of my college buildings but no one was hurt, just some furniture was damaged (I think it happened in a break room or something). Once I had a very vivid dream that my primary school's church burned down. I called my friend right after (really disoriented, thought it was real) to tell her about it and she reminded me that our primary school had no church lol =_=
my school did set on fire, but it was during autumn break and it was only in a few rooms, so i didn't get any additional time off smh. it did mean that the music rooms were out so we had to do music lessons on the tennis court in freezing portable rooms :'^) and we also weren't allowed in a certain corridor that really messed up getting to lessons lmao
There was a small fire at one of my college buildings but no one was hurt, just some furniture was damaged (I think it happened in a break room or something). Once I had a very vivid dream that my primary school's church burned down. I called my friend right after (really disoriented, thought it was real) to tell her about it and she reminded me that our primary school had no church lol =_=

maybe it DID have a church, and you were dreaming the past... *cue dramatic music*
No, but we were sent home once because of a fake bomb threat. Turns out apparently it was just a student who wanted to skip a test lmao
I've never seen any of the fires, but my high school has technically caught on fire at least 2-3 times in my 4 years there.
Well one time somebody put their lunch in the microwave with foil wrapped around it and it caught on fire. Does that count?
nah, our fire alarm went of all the time a few years ago but it was never a big fire. most of the time it was a drill, a few times people were really bad at cooking in home economics and like once someone had apparently set fire to a trash can.,..
some things in the school yard were set on fire tho!! two sheds were burned down after school hours or during some break. nothing really happened but after that they didn't build more things out of wood. the current outdoor storage area is just a metal container with a huge lock on it.
In my highschool, there was a little fire in a science room but it was put out before any major damage. We just smelled burnt toast.
haha, nah i wish. our college does have gas leaks sometimes, to a point where they close campus, and it would be kind of interesting to see what would happen if someone lit a lighter in the area.

(as long as they dont touch the tech and art building, im cool. the math building can go.)
I had to be the one to alert about a fire once, because I walked into the bathroom and the big trashcan (near the doorway) was aflame (like, a huge ball of fire lmfao) and with it being so close to the entryway I came through, I almost got my eyebrows singed off.

That's also how my school found out the bathroom fire alarms didn't work. lol
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Our faculty center burned down last semester. No one got hurt thankfully bc it occured like 2 in the morning, but it was still a huge deal bc most of students' records, exams, papers, etc. were caught in the fire and a lot of historical and preserved documents were also gone. Our teachers were scarred and some even cried during class bc of lost documents and items and literally their office; they had to disperse elsewhere. My English teacher couldn't give our class a sure grade bc of burned papers but he passed us all though, idk how or why. I pass by the faculty center almost every day and it's sad to see it's become an abandoned building with a half-broken roof and shattered glass.