North America Officially CLOSED! Thank you to all who traded with me!

Including pending trades, My S1 is complete! :) I now only need 16 more cards, and I updated my "Want" lists by clearing out all of the crossed out names!

I also have new S2 and S4 dupes to trade with!
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Bumping! Turns out I need Kiki, because my friend that I gave her to long before I started to seriously collect lost her. I'll trade generously for her!
I've got Aurora and Twiggy, would you be alright with trading either 215 Isabelle (obsessed with Isabelle over here) or 114 Blanca for both?
Hi! I have an extra Mott that I could trade for your Queenie from Series 4. Please PM if interested, thanks! :)
Bump! I have plenty to trade with, and would also be up for buying cards, if anyone is interested :D
I have 083 Annalisa 145 Carmen 189 Drift and 198 Agent S! Interested in 022 Leonardo, 046 Winnie,126 Coach, and 325 Peaches Pm me if you want c:
I have an extra 389 Bruce, would you do 196 Freya for him? I'm also 6 cards away from completing series 1 so if you threw in 43 Puck and 97 Willow as well for him, which would bump it down to 4, I'd be super grateful. But I understand if you don't wanna trade that much for him. I don't think I have any others you need or I'd offer them.

(Also, I got my cards a few days ago from our last trade, it just keeps slipping my mind to leave feedback!)
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I have an extra 389 Bruce, would you do 196 Freya for him? I'm also 6 cards away from completing series 1 so if you threw in 43 Puck and 97 Willow as well for him, which would bump it down to 4, I'd be super grateful. But I understand if you don't wanna trade that much for him. I don't think I have any others you need or I'd offer them.

(Also, I got my cards a few days ago from our last trade, it just keeps slipping my mind to leave feedback!)

Alright, I'll PM you! :)
BUMP! Ankha and Lucky are the last 2 cards I need! If anyone wants to trade them, ask for any of my cards that you want!!