How many Nintendo consoles do you own?

NES, SNES, N64, Gamecube, Gameboy, Gameboy Advance SP, and the New 3DS XL.
N64 (missing... ):), gameboy the clear purple one, gameboy sp, ds(broken), ds lite(sibling broke it), wii, wii u, and 3ds xl pikachu version.
5. Gameboy Advance, DS, Gamecube, Wii, and 3DS. My sister has our N64 and my old gameboy had the batteries explode in it as a kid. My Gamebody color was probably sold long ago.
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3. Previously 8.

Now: 3DS, DSI, and Wii

Previously: 3DS, DS, DSI, Wii, NES, Gameboy color, Gameboy Advance, Virtualboy, Gamecube.
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Pretty much all of them... (16)
Home Consoles: NES, SNES, N64, Gamecube, Wii, and even a Wii U
Portables: Game and Watch - Mario Cement, Game Boy Color, Game Boy Advance, Game Boy Micro, Game Boy Advance SP, DS, DS Lite, DSi, 3ds, New 3ds XL
I only need a Virtual Boy XD
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I own:

NES (broke before it got passed down to me, sadly)
GCN x2
Wii (I gave it to friends, but I'm still including it here because I did have one)
Wii U

GB Pocket
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GBA Phat
I'm thinking of buying the NES Classic (if it ever comes down to a reasonable price) since there is a way to hack more games on it - either that or I'll Raspberry Pi it.
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Famicom Disk System
Gamecube x2
Wii U
Famicom Classic Mini

Gameboy x2
Gameboy Color
Gameboy Advance Phat
New 3DS XL
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Game Boy, Game Boy Micro, DS Lite x2, GameCube, Wii, Wii U, 3DS, and New 3DS XL.
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Gameboy Pocket (Green), Gameboy Color (Lime Green), Gameboy Advance SP (Red), DS Lite (Pink), DS Lite (Special Edition Lime Green), "Old" 3DS XL (Blue), "New" 3DS XL (Galaxy)

Home Consoles:
Wii (White), Wii U (Black)

I also own an "Old" 3DS XL (Special Edition Animal Crossing), but I'm currently looking to sell it, and I hope to get a Switch sometime after release if I have the money.

So not including the 2 listed directly above I consider myself in owning (counts on fingers...) wow 9 Nintendo consoles. I seem to have an addiction to Nintendo handhelds. xD
I have 3. I have my New 3DS XL, my Wii (not U, sadly), my GameCube, and my original GBA SP. I want to get an older 2DS though, from back when they still played GBA games, because the right trigger on my GBA is not working anymore. :(
Used to have an NES, SNES and gameboy that were sold in yard sales by the old lady, but the 64, gamecube and up to the current consoles are still around.
Uhh I've never actually counted them...
Let's see

- Nintendo Entertainment System
- Nintendo 64
- Nintendo GameCube (I actually own 2)
- Nintendo Wii
- Nintendo Wii U
- Nintendo DS
- Nintendo DSi
- Nintendo 3DS
- Nintendo 3DS XL
- New Nintendo 3DS XL
And soon the Nintendo Switch :D

So that's twelve if you count my second GameCube and the Switch.
I have:

A Wii U
new Nintendo 3DS
Nintendo 3DS
Nintendo DS
Nintendo DS Lite
Gameboy Advance SP
Nintendo Wii

I used to have a Gameboy, Gameboy Color, Gameboy Advance and Nintendo Gamecube.
Sadly the only nintendo console I own is the Large Nintendo 3ds.

I used to own a Wii U and a new nintendo 3ds up until Christmas came along and I had to buy gifts. So I sold them so I could buy the gifts I wanted for the people I love. It was a fair trade to me lol.