Is having multiple 3DSes really that big of a deal?

They're just jealous. It's not worth getting worked up over. What you do with your money (or other people do with theirs i.e. gifting you them) is up to you.

I've two myself. A 3DS XL and a New 3DS XL. And sold off two standard 3DS models.
Hey ignore that it's jealousy just keep receiving whatever is being given to you and keep buying as many as you like and want, just always remember to keep playing cause they're all yours. :cool: you make me wanna get the standard 3ds for the different face plates since I already have the 3ds xl. :)
Man, I love having two consoles! I've got the new 3DS with the Pokemon plates, and a 3DS XL I use to villager transfer (my old console). I had friends ask why I needed two, and I'm just thinking WHY NOT. Haters gonna hate.
I have two, one is my first original 3DS and the other is the HHD bundle. I'd love to collect them, but I can't really justify buying more than one since I already have two.
Well I currently have 3. My first one is the Blue/Black XL that I've had since 2013. I have over 3600 hours on it and the shell is beginning to crack near the hinge. About a year or so ago I bought a used ACNL edition 3DS XL to have as a secondary system even though I haven't used it much it's been helpful. I'm currently in the process of selling it though as I upgraded to the "New" Galaxy 3DS XL last week and really don't need 3 systems. xD

I love my Blue one too much and it's not really sellable with the crack anyways so that's why I'm selling the ACNL Special Edition one. It's in better shape and I'm honestly not all that attached to it.

I do enjoy having a second 3DS though it has its perks so I see nothing wrong with having more than one. ^_^
I probably wouldn't buy multiples of the same console. I don't really care about what people buy unless they are making other people pay for it (spoiled kids who make their parents buy them everything and whine when they don't get what they want). People should buy what they want with their own money.
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It's not wrong at all to have multiple. Actually it can be good! You can play games with yourself, but still have the multiplayer experience. The way I said it might've sounded a little bad, but you can also lend your friends who do not have a Nintendo it so you can all play together and they don't even have to buy a 3DS! Those people probably just wanted to be jerks, even though acting mean, they're just jealous that you're either rich enough to buy 3, or have generous enough family/friends, so don't worry about it!
I personally don't see the point in owning more than one system, unless you're sharing the second one with someone else in the household or it was like... a gift or something. I know people have stated their reasons but I'm still a little boggled by it. Anyone can do as they like with their own money, I just don't get it, personally.
I have a 3DS XL and a DS XL. I don't think having multiple consoles is a bad thing. It's like some people have multiple ACNL or other DS games for more saves. It's not necessary but its good and fun to have them. Use your money however you want :)
I have 2 3DS (the older version) and I love having it! It makes to more fun to play games like ACNL because you can actually visit your other town~
I don't think it matters if you have more than one 3ds. If you think they are cool and like to collect them, then why not? A lot of the 3ds xl's have cool designs. I just prefer the smaller size ds so I never considered buying them. I have a 3ds and a new 3ds just because they play different games.
Do whatever you like with your money, not my problem. However, when people with multiple 3DS consoles start complaining about the price of a Switch or amiibo cards...
It's a big deal for me to at least have more than one 3DS so I won't need to change cartridges when I play multiple games on the same time period.
I have 2, it's really not a big deal. I see why some people would be like "that's a waste of money" which I do kind of agree but who cares? Let people spend their money on whatever they want so long as it isnt hurting anyone. They were probably just jealous.
I don't think it's a big deal! I own two (technically three - but my friend is testing it out to see if she'd like it) and I don't think it's a big deal. I primarily use my New XL but that's mostly because Nintendo won't let me download games on more than one system. :p I like having a second system if I ever want to trade between my Animal Crossing towns, though!
I have two, but one of them was back from when the 3ds first came out and it can't seem to play the updated animal crossing on it.
So had to get the second one.

Seriously though some of the designs they bring out are fantastic and I can understand why people buy multiple of them.
I have 2 but one is the old model and one is the new model which I bought for the updated graphics and amiibo reading capability. It may be a waste of money or whatever but I'm pretty happy with my purchases