Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past 3D- Mega Thread

...How? Are you leaving your 3DS on and open? What exactly are you doing to be amassing such a high playtime before ever even unlocking what is the single-most grindy aspect of the game?

As for my own personal progress, I've unlocked three advanced classes and now have continued on with the story. I may or may not go for the Hero class down the road.
40 hours so far. Just finished grinding for Advanced classes and I gotta say, at the point I'm currently at both Advanced and Intermediate classes are tearing everything up. Between Sage and its cut MP cost, Champions brute strength and Monster Tamers OP breath attacks for 0 MP cost, all difficulty has been thrown out the window.

Though to be fair, I haven't recruited a new party member since Ruff so I'm only rocking protag, Maribel and Ruff at the moment and I do imagine that enemy/boss difficulty will scale once the next two party members come along.

I had just finished the El Ciclo warp portal dungeon. Man that was so annoying.
man I really wish I had the money to play this game. Dragon Quest has been a big childhood for me and I really need to find a way to save money efficiently while being a University student.
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so what are your plans for when you pass the game?, im planning to tame all monsters (gotta catch 'em all, amirite)
Once I finish the final dungeon - which should be sometime this week - I am going to put the game away and never touch it again. Now don't get me wrong, I love it, but I do not see myself ever playing it again. Just way too much padding.
Really late to the party but I finally got the game, ay mangoes. Hope it's gonna be fun but the other DQ game I played ages ago was and I needed a real nice jrpg for the console (was planning on getting PQSotL but all the LE's are so expensive ugh).
Okay so I actually got somewhere in the game to that village where you need to find a green gem and actually get to fight... Must say those are the worst starter weapons and stats I've seen though.
And yeah as someone pointed out above, not gonna replay this. I mean the time-traveling is really bad and sometimes you gets too confused and think your boat is bugged lol. Oh well that lil' wolf dude is cute at least... Also i hate that you pretty much must clear the games to even get jobs, like wtf game y u no coop with me lol.
....I've yet to unlock vocations xD
Work and life are getting in the way of playtime!
....I've yet to unlock vocations xD
Work and life are getting in the way of playtime!

Not to sound rude or demeaning, but you don't really miss stuff. I had higher hopes of this after reading up and loved FFV a lot. Nope p much timeconsuming trash.