Overwatch General Thread


Am I a big boy yet??
Blizzard released stats for the Uprising event:

Pretty interesting to look at. Kinda funny to see that ~11 million more games were losses compared to wins. :lemon:
Also lol at Mercy being one of the most played in All Heroes. I almost never saw anyone playing as her though.
Granted I was a healer most of the time. Zenyatta ftw. Seriously why were all 3 omnics so good at this mode where you kill other omnics.
Man, I didn't play much of uprising but when I did play, my team always seemed to let me down unless we played the easiest difficulty. So i can see where the 11 million losses are coming from.

But it was a fun event, i missed out on getting the skins, mainly cause i barely played but, tbh i didn't really like em much. But apparently there's supposed to be an anniversary event coming up??? It's not confirmed but there's been rumours :D
Man, I didn't play much of uprising but when I did play, my team always seemed to let me down unless we played the easiest difficulty. So i can see where the 11 million losses are coming from.

But it was a fun event, i missed out on getting the skins, mainly cause i barely played but, tbh i didn't really like em much. But apparently there's supposed to be an anniversary event coming up??? It's not confirmed but there's been rumours :D

The anniversary event is confirmed. Should be this upcoming week or the week after.
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i played it today :3 THOSE DANCE EMOTES tHOO

Man I must have opened around 12 loot boxes today and all of them were junk. The best thing I got was a Zarya dance emote. I'm kind of mad at Blizzard for making all of the dances event exclusive considering there is one for each character and they cost 750 a piece. On top of that, there are several legendary skins for 3000 and players are already low on coins from the last event. I currently have like 3.7k coins but it doesn't feel like nearly enough.
I caved and spent $25 on loot boxes for the event. I haven't spent that much since the day the game came out so I decided to since there was a lot of stuff I wanted. I couldn't believe my luck. I got the Tracer legendary, Pharah legendary, Hanzo legendary, and the Symmetra legendary skins as well as Winston's dance, Zenyatta's dance plus 1500 coins. I have about 5900 in coins now. That was some really good luck compared to what I've been hearing other people getting. If I can just get D.VA or Lucio's legendary in a lootbox I could spend the rest of the coins at the end of the event on dance emotes and I'll be happy.

My husband finally has a gold weapon

...After I get two more gold weapons
Opened about 25 lootboxes or more since the event started, the only event legendary that was in there was Zarya's (which is cool, but kinda hoped there would've been another one by now especially since I spent rlc orz)
I've never played Hanzo before but like the troll I am I bought his Anniversary skin and a golden gun for him and he's actually pretty fun and easy to play haha
Probably shouldn't have done placement matches late at night. Had a leaver one match and people not communicating another and then someone threatening to throw if they didn't get Hanzo... oh and two people whining about the rest of the team and stuff while what? I basically solo healed. Ugh. Got placed in high silver, determined to get to high gold at least because I didn't bother doing much last season, won two games after placements about a month apart and got into gold while my best friend tried so hard playing but never got out of silver.
Probably shouldn't have done placement matches late at night. Had a leaver one match and people not communicating another and then someone threatening to throw if they didn't get Hanzo... oh and two people whining about the rest of the team and stuff while what? I basically solo healed. Ugh. Got placed in high silver, determined to get to high gold at least because I didn't bother doing much last season, won two games after placements about a month apart and got into gold while my best friend tried so hard playing but never got out of silver.

Placements never matter though since you always get placed around where you were last season. If you lost every game you would've been placed a bit lower, if you won every game, a bit higher. So don't feel too bad about it.
Placements never matter though since you always get placed around where you were last season. If you lost every game you would've been placed a bit lower, if you won every game, a bit higher. So don't feel too bad about it.

Ahh, yeah, fair point. I'm still trying to get used to comp and know it's workings because I hardly bothered with season 4 ahaaa. :')))

Hoping I don't end up like my best friend last season, she busted her butt off but couldn't climb out of silver (feels console man).
Maybe we'll slowly work our way to getting golden weapons one day.
i bought the dance for mercy, since the events coming to a close and i have no motivation to even try to get it in a loot box. so hopefully when i'm not being shot at i can dance on the payload or on graves
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Couldn't get the cruiser skin so I got the june bug for D.va to kind of cheer myself up. I'm excited for whenever she gets another new skin since D.va doesn't really have a lot at the moment :/
i literally got two four-man rez on the same day, which is surprising bc i never ever have gotten four before, so i unlocked the achievement today. the first time was in defend gibraltar, and i was gonna get the 3 man but someone died right when i pressed rez and i was like what. the second time was also an accident, defend anubis, and i saw some people had died so i walked closer and it was x4 as well. now i'm a mercy main :)
I played w a gr8 group yesterday but one of the first questions I was asked was if I was a girl n I said ye and now one of them is friendrequesting me and sending me weird msgs..,,,,,