Dead tree spots


Senior Member
Jun 8, 2014
Old Eggs
Can someone explain these dead spots? I'm trying to get a perfect town and so I'm planting many trees. However some trees just won't grow in certain spots, while they should grow in those spots in other games.

I don't get it, I avoid planting my trees, by the river, next to a rock, next to a building or next to another tree for that matter.

Are these dead spots just random, or is there a pattern?
Trees will not grow if there are too many plants in the vicinity. So in large patches of trees, you will have spots where they can't be planted.
I think it's because you can only have a certain amount of trees in 1 acre. I recently mapped the acres on my town and ended up noticing that 13 is the max I was able to get in any of them.
  • There is a limit of trees per acre
  • Due to villagers moving in where signposts are, trees cannot grow in a house-sized radius plus one tile around each post
  • I believe there are some dead spots due to the animal walking algorithm, though I've not noticed any other than obvious things like not plonking one down right in front of a bridge
  • This goes without saying, but there must be a gap of one tile between the tree and just about anything, including the cliffs and paving (outside Nook's etc.)
1) Trees will not grow immediately next to water, cliffs, other trees, rocks, buildings, plazas, signs, and bridges.

2) There are certain “spots” or paths where the game will not allow trees to grow, so that there is room for the villagers to move around when they are outside.

3) Each acre can have, at maximum, 24 trees. Furthermore, each quarter-acre (divide each acre into four equal parts where each quarter-acre contains 8 x 8 = 64 “spots”) can have, at maximum, six trees.

It is not necessary to water saplings. Walking on or running over saplings does nothing. The only thing that matters when growing trees is location.

All trees take four days to grow to maturity.

Get rid of trees by chopping them with your Axe, then digging up the stumps with your Shovel. Use a Shovel to dig up saplings.

One way to guarantee the growth of a tree is to chop down an existing tree, remove its stump, then plant fruit/a coconut/a sapling/money in the exact same spot. This is a good way to start producing coconut palms or foreign fruit trees. (Note that while using this method to start a Bell Tree will guarantee
that the tree grows to maturity, it does not guarantee that the Bell Tree will successfully produce “fruit.”)

I copied this from a blog post, so this isn't my wording and I can't guarantee any of this is true. I do trust the blog it comes from though, so hopefully this helps.
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