How clean/messy is your town?

My town is nothing but a mess...
Flowers scattered everywhere because I'm not sure how I want to arrange them yet...
A lot of bush starts lying around because I'm so lazy to organize them :p
My villagers' houses are not in the right spot,
so yeah, a real mess...

Normally it's clean because I passed the Beautiful Town Ordinance as soon as I could and I have a lot of different flowers. Also I don't like throwing things, so I only do it when I want give one item from one character to another.
It's pretty much the worst it has ever been so far, haha. Items are scattered all over my beach, the paths look ugly, I have many un-needed PWPs that solely exist for plot resetting and there are so many flowers everywhere. I am hoping to clean it up once I've collected all of my dreamies, but even that'll take forever.
my main town is pretty bare, yet still a mess?
i cut down all of my trees so i can at least make a start on some sort of landscaping, there's fruit everywhere and the odd tree stump. it's a daunting task, the thought of planning it out, but i'll get there (eventually...)
Chumani isn't much better, mind...except it's kind of like the opposite - as in there are trees & shrubs & flowers strewn everywhere.
dripple is such a mess......, i hate all of my bush starts and saplings on the ground. that's most of it but i also have some random junk lying around... i've tried to clean it up a lot!! so now the only things that are left are the 50 or so bush starts smh.,,

cool is also a mess im embarrassed about that town because it is so messy..
My town is pretty messy.every time I go to Isabelle for citizen satisfaction they always complain about the stuff around.i've been trying to keep it cleaner but villagers keep giving me stuff and I don't know where to put it so I end up just dropping it to make space. I'm hoarding for days when re-tail has shirts or furniture as special
My town would be clean except my beach is a mess, as that's where I throw the unorderables I have no room for. I also throw things in front of retail when they're closed and I throw fruit to bring to another town in front of the train tracks.
pearlsey's pretty tidy - there's nothing on the ground.

lumatown's not as tidy as pearlsey, though - there might be a few things outside one or two characters' houses, but it's been a while since i last played so i'm not sure if there actually is or not. and if having way too many flowers makes a town messy, then lumatown's not really tidy. i have so many flowers but i can't be bothered to get rid of them all