North America [T]Series 1-4, WA (Temporarily Closed)

Got my Series 3 cards in, they are all JP like my series 2 cards but I got a lot of cute/popular villagers as my extras! I was surprised!
Updated! I will now send DLC with cards if you missed any of them or the HHN competitions. Just let me know!
Hi! I know some of these are pending, so let me know what's still needed.

I'd like to get (some of) these:

203 Tom Nook
211 Grams
215 Isabelle
285 Merengue

And I have these from your list:

014 Luna*
023 Cheri
030 Tiffany
076 Jeremiah*
097 Willow

lmk what you can trade! thanks!!
A little over a dozen cards I need left! I'm so close... I can almost taste it...
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List updated, got a few more cards in trades and I got a pack with a binder I bought so more cards to trade, still only a few more I need!
I can send you:
058 Monique
084 Benjamin

I'm more interested in the dlc you have to offer since I don't have any.
Hi Kaydee,

I have four of the cards that you're still looking for - Gigi, Flurry, Cobb, and Axel. I was wondering if you'd like them?

I'm not asking anything in return. I've completed my Series 1 set, so I'd like to help others complete theirs.

Let me know?
Alright, list is up to date from all my recent trades and I am still looking for the rest of series 1 that I need as well as a few other cards from the other two series that I would like to have copies of in English! Let me know if you have any to trade! I'm so close!
Alrighty, after checking my stock we're back up and running, please leave your offers and I will PM you!
I actually ended up trading Peanut away. I received Samson in a pack, but I only need 1 of the specials you have! :lemon:
I have Samson and Walker! Would you trade for Bam and Skye? I know those are popular cards so if you're not comfortable trading those that's fine!