If you were a villager who would you be?

me irl in a nutshell
gomen not gomen

im not actually a weeb

Oh my god this is hilarious!!!!

I'd probably be a mix between Cherry & Marina. I can be very caring & brash(?) like Cherry, and dress like her, too! But I can also be very in-the-middle peacemaker and all pink everything like Marina!
I found Marshal to be similar to me, trying to be as polite as possible while adding your own little mix of flair and drama. Or any smug villager, for that matter. 'cept for Rodney... *shudder*
Mm... Maybe Apple, because I seemed to know everyway to become high friendship with her, and I eat a little to much rice pudding and get twitchy(some of you know what I'm talking about) unless it's based on looks, which is 100% Carmen.
tbh benjamin
we have similar eyebrows, his fur is the color of my hair, his house is Relateable and i'm pretty lazy
I wanna say Etoile--you know, I'd be super caring, polite, always concerned about others...

But truly I'm more like lil Stitches... a bit quirky, I love lazing about, and I eat a lot of snacks! c:
Probably Rodney truthfully, we look alot alike haha messy hair, sleepy eyes, spotted face
plus I'm sort of like the smug personality I suppose
Personality-wise, I would be Mott/any Jock villager, sinnce I always try to find some time exercise, and I even like when others join. But looks-wise, I would be Pierce, his eyes have the same look of constant worry in his face, I find it relatable
Olivia. My name is Olivia, and she has beauty mark on her face like me. And she's snooty altho I think I am a combo of snooty/peppy/uchi. Also she has maroonish colored ears, paws and tail, and it's one of my fav colors to wear.
I'd probably be Muffy. We're both big sister types (me quite literally) and I've always had a soft spot for goth lolita stuff.
lucky because that's my name plus i'm really lazy and i love mummy aesthetics
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Well appearance and personality wise, I would be Kiki for my introverted ways or Carmen/Dotty as being a peppy person when I'm not shy.