Troll the person above you...

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Who even is that as your avatar and signature? She looks weird.

That's rich coming from you, have you seen your own avatar and signature? Your aesthetic is lacking and sad...just like MADtv.


Teabagel = soggy gross bagel which gives you diarrhea.
Might as well go to a forest and sit there until you get ate by bugs while I sip my nice pumpkin spice latt?.
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jokes on you that latte youre drinking is sewer water, what a perfect illusion
Jokes on you, all the meat products you eat contain crap, I'm not lying. All meat products do in fact contain urine and faeces from the animals you eat. Ew...
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you act like your apples are all that but in reality they have little to no value
You only need one apple to keep the doctor away.

Twelve is just a choking hazard.
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