What's Bothering You?

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I ordered a BTS commission of Yoonseok, but she only drew Yoongi ;;;;; I really like her art as well, and Hoseok is my bias..... ;;
Idk if I should go there or not. I kind of really want to because I want to participate in what they do but I get really nervous and my heart starts racing whenever I think about it (which is almost all the time). I don't know anyone and I'm really awkward and uncomfortable and don't know anything about anything so I'll likely just mess up like usual and won't be of any help but I'd just really like to take part... But the thought is stressing me out so much
hhhh what to do
My alarm went off at 8 this morning, and I was up for about 20 min and my alarm went off again and I'm like "okay okay I'm up!"

And then apparently I fell back asleep.

And woke up at like 11:30. .-.
the commission cost 25 quid with just one portrait, so I'm actually kinda glad that she couldn't do the other one... still kinda expensive though, sigh
I have not heard from my boyfriend in an entire week. I did not spam him but I did send encouraging text messages telling him I miss him and I am thinking about him etc. I only called a few times throughout the week and each time it rang all the way until his voicemail. He has never done this before and I am afraid that he is ghosting me.
The scary thing is I don't even know if I did something to upset him. We were fine texting each other last Sunday and we texted throughout the night. I can understand the silent treatment if he told me what I did to upset him and then needed some space, but I am completely in the dark here.
"there's nothing wrong with you, you're not depressed you're just a lazy *****! you're way too happy and positive all the time to be depressed, don't start using that as an excuse!!"

haha yep you're absolutely right but if i acted how i actually felt you'd just put me in a psych ward so :3 happy and positive it is~!!
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