What's Bothering You?

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my spanish teacher needs to stop giving us work that we can't do
on top of boatloads of homework ye thnx
I got a new antivirus since it seemed like norton wasnt doin its job too well, this new one's alot better but im still a bit paranoid.
some idiot letting their phone like vibrate all the time at like 6 am.

bruh either turn off vibrations, put on do not disturb or have sound on so you can check it smfh
I was just texting my friend from work, and then she started getting super emotional in her texts, and then for some reason I was included into her emotional stories. I was like WTF, so I literally just turned off my messages. I feel bad now, but it’s for her own good. I don’t want her taking out her anger on me.
I'm finally in a relationship with the man that may very well be the love of my life, after waiting for years to be with him. After all of the things I did for him and everything we went through. And I am so happy, but I am also so paranoid now because I'm terrified of losing him, and I constantly doubt him and occasionally nag him because I'm high strung and he gives me no reason to not trust him or to have doubts in him, and I feel so bad because it makes him feel bad, and I'm working on making myself a better person for him, but the paranoid part of me is still panicking and afraid that he'll still leave me anyways AHHHHHHHHHHH

Edit: Spelling and Grammar
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My throat has gotten better but my nose is still actin up, I wish I could just rip it off...
Emotionally manipulating people when they don't behave the way you want them to behave. A stranger online offered to buy me a game very publicly (he always offer gifts to anyone talking about games in that forum) and I rejected it because I don't like accepting things from people who aren't gifting things because they have something to spare, but because they're too rich to care and like try to buy something (attention, adoration? idk) from you. Like, he offered to buy me a random $15 game I talked about and I rejected it because I want gifts to be genuine. Pretty uneventful right? I literally just said "no, thanks!" and moved on, but then I got another notification from him and it was something like this: "Wow, I guess I'm not going to gift anyone than anymore. :/" Like WTF? That pissed me really off, but I didn't call him out on it because to me he just clearly has some mental issues and can't connect to anyone on a normal way. Only thing I did was block him because I just had to do something as a sign of disapproval. Being blocked on there literally only means you can't participate in someone's giveaways and that guy won like hundreds of them and never played any of them. Which doesn't really matter at all, but he was so personally offended by my block that he had to make a thread about it. It was something along the lines like "you try to be nice to someone and then they block you :/" and the whole thread was basically just a pity party for him. Thinking back about it I really wish I called him out on his bull****. Like, I'm really not a person who can be impressed by gifts, I literally do not care about them. All I care about is someone's attitude and I will never be blinded by shiny things. I really don't think that rejecting his gift was a bad thing. And I get that blocking him might have been unnecessary, but to me it sounded like he was trying to guilt trip me for rejecting his gift and I was not having it. I just wish I defended myself back then, even if it would have gotten me a lot of backlash from other popular users having no problem being bought to defend someone.

Browsing the forum today reminded me of that story. I always remember being pissed off lol
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