Smash Bros Smash 4 Videos or Clips

Best part about this is that I shared this on Smashboards and Purple Guy (one of the 4 best Zeldas, top 10 players in Florida) saw it and complemented me! ^_^
Another video, playing against one of the Silas bots on Twitter.
He was REALLY good and all of our games were fun, even one where we stalled each other out on Duck Hunt :lemon:
Oh the glorious and janky things you find when browsing Smashboards for too long
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This is definitely the most intense match I've had so far. He kept taunting me with his nicknames, using phrases like "PLEASE BEAT ME" and "SHOULDA QUIT". It was actually really good training, though. I beat him the fourth or fifth time.
Got into a complication video! :D
My part starts at 5:02 (yes one of the clips is the first one on this page).
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