Weird/Scary Things That Have Happened To You

~I was thinking about posting here, and came to realize I’ve had a lot of creepy stuff happen, so sorry if this ends up being a wall of text guys.

So, Im not much of a religious person. At least, not in the way where you go to church and…be mean to people, (I don’t know how else to put it. I don’t care if people are gay or anything.) But I do believe in God. I do. And I believe in spirits. And there’s really one main reason for this. When I was younger, I thought I could see them. And I think what I was doing was calling them, but the spirits I communicated with I asked to protect the people I cared for. And for a long, long time I dismissed this as having an overactive imagination, which I DO have and blame a lot of things on. Here’s why part of me believes in these spirits: a dear friend was able to do the same thing. She called a spirit who hasn’t left my side since. And both of us were able to hear and identify this spirit that stays with me. It isn’t a bad spirit, and often I wonder if I’m out of my mind for thinking it’s there. On the night that this spirit, (we’ll call the spirit Liza for this post), we experienced a lot of things that I attribute to being young and imaginative. But the fact that someone else saw Liza always strikes me as strange, and I never really know what to make of it. Either I’m crazy or I’m spiritual, I suppose.

So, creepy thing number two. I used to live in these apartments with my father and sister between the ages of 13 and 16. During that time there was not a night I did not have severe panic attacks. I shared the room with my sister, but that did not help the situation. Our closet had two huge mirrors on the doors, and I’d think I’d see things in the mirrors every night. I would lay in my bed and just panic for no real reason. I would wake up at 3 or so every morning and luckily I had this touch-lamp. I would turn the lamp on and read until I wasn’t scared anymore, but the minute I put the book away I was panicking again. I had very vivid nightmares, as well. There was one nightmare about this creature chasing me. When I got a good look at it, it was this hairless humanoid thing with black eyes crying blood. And at one point, I was out to see a movie and everything got extremely cold and I felt its presence. It was like it was trying to infect my body, but I wouldn't let it. I don't know how to explain why I thought it was the thing from my dream, either. And at the time I thought it was my imagination, but at the same time I kept thinking: you can’t enter this body, it’s not yours. I had other vivid dreams where I’d be walking through the apartment and I’d stop at a corner and very, very slowly a face would peek at me. It was clearly a young Asian man, older than me, (probably mid 20’s), just staring. The day we moved, I stopped having the panic attacks. Like…I fell asleep in the new apartment we moved into when I was 16 just fine. It was such a huge relief off of my shoulders. I don’t really talk about those old apartments. It gives me chills, even years later.

Lastly, is more recently I’ve been a bit more spiritual thanks to a different friend. I confided in her some of the things I’ve experienced. I have quite a few stories both of what I saw during panic attacks, and the different things I thought I could do when I was younger, (a lot that I just dismiss as my imagination). She taught me about different spiritual beings that have been seen multiple times throughout history, and what sort of spirits they are. For example, the owl man that someone mentioned earlier, I’ve actually heard of this creature, (it’s some sort of diety that tries to steer people away from big disasters, or something along those lines). And generally I dismiss this stuff or try to be skeptical, because i want to be logical about what I base beliefs in the paranormal off of. Well, after I had spoken with this more recent friend about these things, and after some major life events, I began living on my own and having panic attacks again. The difference is that often, I’ll also have dreams about Liza. She will tell me in these dreams that everything is okay, and that she’s protecting me. Sometimes she’ll even tell me to do this, or that, because it will benefit me. It’s never negative to interact with her, and the weirdest part is...she has given me some pretty spot-on advice. Most of it revolves around my current boyfriend and his depression, because loving someone with depression is a difficult thing to do. Liza will often tell me that I need to reach out to him, that I need to not be afraid to call or check up on him. She also chides me when I'm overreacting, (an often occurrence), but if I talk to my boyfriend he'll understand. And I mean, that stuff is stuff I can figure out, stuff that might just be in my head...the reason why I don't mind listening is because before my current boyfriend and I were together, she promised it would happen. She said all I had to do was be patient. I did not think it would. He lives 800 miles away, and us being together was something that I thought was impossible. And sometimes I do think that this is all in my head. In the dreams, I’ll even tell Liza, and she seems sad to hear it but always says that she understands. A lot of times I won't dream of her again for a few weeks after I say this to her.

The most horrific thing that happened recently was a dream. In the dream I was in my apartment. I immediately knew something was wrong, and that I was in some kind of danger. I peeked into my living room and saw a creature pressed against my window. I have a huge window that overlooks the forest outside; I live two stories off of the ground as well. It was a man with a goat’s head. It might have been more like a ram’s head, because it had huge horns. I backed away into my other room, but for some reason, I couldn’t just leave it be. I was scared but whatever the thing was, I had to face it. So I went back into the living room and when I did I saw a boy. It was a child, probably nine or ten with black hair. Its eyes seemed to not want to stay one shape. I don’t know how to describe this. They were constantly changing, as if they couldn’t stay one way. I pointed at him and I yelled: YOU ARE THE DEVIL! As loud as I could. And he looked surprised, and then confused. Then I woke up, and I was scared, but at the same time I felt…confident? No, more like proud that I was able to identify him head on. Because seeing the man with the goat’s head pressed against my window had scared me so much, but I was able to confront it. I don’t know.

I’ve had a lot of nightmares about demon like creatures. All of them are mortifying and I try to dismiss them, but at the same time they are so vivid and frightening that sometimes I don’t know what to think. Paranormal dealings is a hard subject for me to believe in, despite what I’ve experienced, because I know that my imagination has a tendency to run wild. The one thing that really makes me think these things might be real, is because I am not the only one this sort of thing happens to.
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I always hear footsteps when I'm sitting alone in a particular room at my boyfriends house, while staying there. It freaked me out so much the first time it happened that I locked the door and wouldn't leave the room for an hour until my boyfriend got home from work. It happened later that night too when he was going for a run and this time I actually had the courage to have a look down the hallway and check no one is there. It's so weird an unsettling even though I know it's probably nothing and for some reason I only notice it when I'm alone.
the only paranormal experience i've ever had was in boarding school, it only happened once and it wasn't that big a deal but it was terrifying at the time
we were sitting in prep (prep was like supervised study every night for two and a half hours where we had to sit in silence doing our homework or studying or whatever) and my friend Alex was using the computer for a project, and it was like 9pm so we were being let out in 10 minutes and we'd all finished whatever work had been assigned to us, so Alex was on the computer which was just in front of my desk, and she was on MS Paint writing out little messages to me with the pen tool
so anyway she wrote 'hey annie' and i waved at her and then she wrote 'how are you' and i gave her a thumbs up, and she went to write something else but the computer froze and the mouse wouldn't move (this was commonplace, our IT equipment was the absolute pits lol) so she kept moving the mouse trying to get it to work again but it wouldn't, and then about a minute later after she'd taken her hand off of the mouse, the pen tool started writing, and this didn't freak us out because we assumed it was just the delay (you know when a computer freezes when you're typing, and then when it eventually starts working again whatever you typed comes up a few seconds later? yeah well we assumed it was that) but it wrote out 'IM FINE' in really jagged letters and holy crap we were spooked out
so we kind of laughed it off and thought no more of it, but then later that night when i was in Alex's dorm drinking tea, the walls made this really really loud groaning sound that sounded a lot like thunder but it was coming from within the walls, and we screamed and ran to the dorm next door to ask if they'd heard it and they were like 'what are you talking about? we heard nothing' and it was impossibly loud like there was no way they couldn't have heard it from just next door
so anyway i went back into the dorm while Alex went to the bathroom, and it was all fine and i was beginning to think we'd just imagined it but the second Alex came back into the room the noise happened again and again nobody heard it except us
it never happened again and that was my only paranormal experience (there were plenty of stories about how the boarding school was haunted, i mean it was a pretty old building but nothing ever came of them) but it spooked me out so much at the time, i was convinced some angry spirit was haunting Alex lol

this one didn't happen to me directly, but to my dad's friend
he works in these offices that are on the site of an old train station that shut down back in the 1950s, and he's honestly like the most sensible, solid guy i know like he is not the sort to be making up ghost stories or anything like that, he's super super serious
but anyway last year he took my dad aside at a conference and told him that he saw a man walking through the corridors at work, but he was really pale and wasn't so much walking as floating, and that he went right through a wall and disappeared
so he did a bit of research and it turns out that the wall he saw the spirit going through was actually a platform back when the building was still a railway station, and that the wall had been built directly over where the platform had been in the past
anyway he told his coworkers and some of them said they'd seen strange figures as well, so they got a medium in to check the place out and apparently the minute she walked through the door she could feel the presence of hundreds of different ghosts, and basically within like 10 minutes of arriving at the building she was telling them that this guy was there (she knew his name and everything, i just can't remember what it was now lol) and that he was from Ireland in the 1940s, and that he'd been waiting for his wife to arrive on a train at that platform when he'd suddenly had a heart attack and died, and she said he was like a friendly spirit and stuff and he meant no harm
so after she left they researched it and they found his whole background and family lineage and everything and apparently everything she'd said was totally accurate and it's really unusual for mediums to offer up that much information, usually they kind of try to coax the information out of you, so they think it's really legit lol

i don't know if i believe in ghosts really, but i guess it's possible and i certainly wouldn't rule it out
Mine isn't a ghost story, but I had a scary moment several years back when I was being followed. I was walking from a friend's house in the middle of the night when a man in a car stopped in the middle of the road and began staring at me. I turned and began walking in the opposite direction the car was facing. Just as I did, he made a three point turn and continued to follow me, driving slowly beside me as I walked. I turned around again and walked quickly down the street toward my house. This time he went straight, also at a quicker speed. I wasn't sure if he was rounding the corner to catch up with me, or if he was leaving, so I began to run until I found some tall shrubs against a house. I hid in them, and sure enough he came back around driving very slowly. I could tell he didn't see me, so when he passed by and was out of sight, I ran the rest of the way home. I went inside and locked the door. I made sure all the lights were off, then went to my window and looked out. He drove past twice before finally leaving. I don't know what his intentions were, but I'm sure they weren't good. I seriously thought I was dead if he caught me, and it was insane scary.
This thread is so good! Just in time for Halloween.

When I was younger my family lived in a really old farm house in a super small village. My little sister's room was haunted, toys would go off on their own, you could hear banging on the walls, and it was always incredibly cold and just gave you that bad feeling in the pit of your stomach. We all just tried to avoid it, she was a toddler so she'd sleep with my parents.
One night when we were painting my room I had to sleep in my sisters room, which is on the 2nd floor. I had an incredibly vivid dream that I woke up in the middle of the night and just sat up in the bed, staring directly at the window. I just sat there for a few minutes, then slowly got out of bed and walked towards the window. After standing there a few minutes, I opened it up and looked down, I remember seeing the ground. I remember crawling out of the window and jumping, and I shot up out of the bed right before I hit the ground. The window was open when I woke up, but I had closed it before going to sleep. I never went in that room again!

Also, my elementary school was haunted. It was really strange. There was an area with the entrance to the boys change room and the gym near the music room. Me and my friend both remember being in that area and hearing someone playing a pipe organ? You could see the piano in the music room from the hallway in one of the windows, and the lights were all off so nobody was in the room listening to music. The music wasn't coming from the music room or a classroom either, it was coming from the boy's changeroom. When we got too close, the music would stop.
It happened to us more than once, probably 3 or so times.
bump! i want some spooky halloween stories! these ones so far have been v v creepy
this is a true story, it happened to me once

On October 31, 1963, in Haddonfield, Illinois, 6-year-old Michael Myers (Will Sandin) stabs his older sister Judith Myers (Sandy Johnson) to death with a kitchen knife. Fifteen years later, on October 30, 1978, Michael escapes Warren County Smith's Grove Sanitarium, where he had been committed since the murder, stealing the car that was to take him to a court hearing, the intention of which was for him to never be released.

The following day, Halloween, 21-year-old Michael, now dressed in a blue jumpsuit and a white mask, returns to his hometown of Haddonfield and begins stalking high school student Laurie Strode (Jamie Lee Curtis). Laurie informs her friends, Annie Brackett (Nancy Kyes) and Lynda van der Klok (P. J. Soles), that she believes someone is following her but they dismiss her concerns. Later at her house, Laurie becomes startled to see Michael outside in the yard staring into her room. Elsewhere, Michael's psychiatrist, Dr. Samuel Loomis (Donald Pleasence), having anticipated Michael's return home, goes to the local cemetery only to discover that Judith Myers' headstone is missing. Later, Loomis approaches Annie's father, Sheriff Leigh Brackett (Charles Cyphers), and the two quietly look for Michael.

That night, Laurie babysits Tommy Doyle (Brian Andrews), while Annie babysits Lindsay Wallace (Kyle Richards) across the street from the Doyle house. When Annie gets a call from her boyfriend Paul asking her to pick him up, she drops Lindsay off at the Doyle house. Annie gets in her car to pick up Paul but is strangled then has her throat slashed by Michael, who was hiding in the backseat of her car. At the Doyle house, while he plays hide-and-seek with Lindsay, Tommy spots Michael carrying Annie's corpse and tries to tell Laurie, who doesn't believe in any "boogeyman" that Tommy says he saw. Later that evening, Lynda and her boyfriend Bob enter the Wallace house and have sex in one of the bedrooms. While downstairs to get a beer for Lynda, Bob is impaled on the wall by Michael with a kitchen knife. Michael appears in the bedroom doorway, pretending to be Bob in a ghost costume. Gaining no response from him, Lynda becomes annoyed and calls Laurie, just as Michael strangles her to death with the telephone cord.

Feeling unsettled, Laurie puts Tommy and Lindsay to bed and goes to the Wallace house, where she discovers the corpses of Annie, Bob, and Lynda. She is suddenly attacked by Michael and falls backwards down the staircase. Fleeing the house, she screams for help, but to no avail. Running back to the Doyle house, she realizes she lost the keys and the door is locked, as she sees Michael approaching in the distance. Laurie panics and screams for Tommy to wake up and open the door quickly. Luckily, Tommy opens the door in time and lets Laurie inside. Laurie instructs Tommy and Lindsay to hide and then realizes the phone line is dead and that Michael has gotten into the house through a window. As she sits down in horror next to the couch, Michael appears and tries to stab her, but she stabs him in the side of his neck with a knitting needle.

Laurie goes upstairs telling Tommy and Lindsay she killed the "boogeyman", but Michael reappears in pursuit of her. Telling the kids to hide and lock themselves in the bathroom, Laurie opens a window to feign escape and hides in a bedroom closet. Michael punches a hole in the closet door to get to her. However, Laurie frantically undoes a clothes hanger to stick Michael in the eye, causing him to drop his knife, which Laurie grabs and stabs him. Michael collapses and Laurie exits the closet, then tells the children to go find help. Dr. Loomis sees Tommy and Lindsay running away from the house and suspects Michael could be inside. Back inside, Michael gets up and tries to strangle Laurie, but Dr. Loomis arrives in time to save her. Loomis shoots Michael in the chest at point-blank range, who then falls from the second-story patio onto the lawn below. Laurie asks Loomis if that was the "boogeyman", to which Loomis confirms. However, when Loomis looks over the balcony, he finds Michael's body is missing.
this is a true story, it happened to me once

On October 31, 1963, in Haddonfield, Illinois, 6-year-old Michael Myers (Will Sandin) stabs his older sister Judith Myers (Sandy Johnson) to death with a kitchen knife. Fifteen years later, on October 30, 1978, Michael escapes Warren County Smith's Grove Sanitarium, where he had been committed since the murder, stealing the car that was to take him to a court hearing, the intention of which was for him to never be released.

The following day, Halloween, 21-year-old Michael, now dressed in a blue jumpsuit and a white mask, returns to his hometown of Haddonfield and begins stalking high school student Laurie Strode (Jamie Lee Curtis). Laurie informs her friends, Annie Brackett (Nancy Kyes) and Lynda van der Klok (P. J. Soles), that she believes someone is following her but they dismiss her concerns. Later at her house, Laurie becomes startled to see Michael outside in the yard staring into her room. Elsewhere, Michael's psychiatrist, Dr. Samuel Loomis (Donald Pleasence), having anticipated Michael's return home, goes to the local cemetery only to discover that Judith Myers' headstone is missing. Later, Loomis approaches Annie's father, Sheriff Leigh Brackett (Charles Cyphers), and the two quietly look for Michael.

That night, Laurie babysits Tommy Doyle (Brian Andrews), while Annie babysits Lindsay Wallace (Kyle Richards) across the street from the Doyle house. When Annie gets a call from her boyfriend Paul asking her to pick him up, she drops Lindsay off at the Doyle house. Annie gets in her car to pick up Paul but is strangled then has her throat slashed by Michael, who was hiding in the backseat of her car. At the Doyle house, while he plays hide-and-seek with Lindsay, Tommy spots Michael carrying Annie's corpse and tries to tell Laurie, who doesn't believe in any "boogeyman" that Tommy says he saw. Later that evening, Lynda and her boyfriend Bob enter the Wallace house and have sex in one of the bedrooms. While downstairs to get a beer for Lynda, Bob is impaled on the wall by Michael with a kitchen knife. Michael appears in the bedroom doorway, pretending to be Bob in a ghost costume. Gaining no response from him, Lynda becomes annoyed and calls Laurie, just as Michael strangles her to death with the telephone cord.

Feeling unsettled, Laurie puts Tommy and Lindsay to bed and goes to the Wallace house, where she discovers the corpses of Annie, Bob, and Lynda. She is suddenly attacked by Michael and falls backwards down the staircase. Fleeing the house, she screams for help, but to no avail. Running back to the Doyle house, she realizes she lost the keys and the door is locked, as she sees Michael approaching in the distance. Laurie panics and screams for Tommy to wake up and open the door quickly. Luckily, Tommy opens the door in time and lets Laurie inside. Laurie instructs Tommy and Lindsay to hide and then realizes the phone line is dead and that Michael has gotten into the house through a window. As she sits down in horror next to the couch, Michael appears and tries to stab her, but she stabs him in the side of his neck with a knitting needle.

Laurie goes upstairs telling Tommy and Lindsay she killed the "boogeyman", but Michael reappears in pursuit of her. Telling the kids to hide and lock themselves in the bathroom, Laurie opens a window to feign escape and hides in a bedroom closet. Michael punches a hole in the closet door to get to her. However, Laurie frantically undoes a clothes hanger to stick Michael in the eye, causing him to drop his knife, which Laurie grabs and stabs him. Michael collapses and Laurie exits the closet, then tells the children to go find help. Dr. Loomis sees Tommy and Lindsay running away from the house and suspects Michael could be inside. Back inside, Michael gets up and tries to strangle Laurie, but Dr. Loomis arrives in time to save her. Loomis shoots Michael in the chest at point-blank range, who then falls from the second-story patio onto the lawn below. Laurie asks Loomis if that was the "boogeyman", to which Loomis confirms. However, when Loomis looks over the balcony, he finds Michael's body is missing.

that's some great stuff, man. They should make a movie about this!
I just heard about this incident the other day from my mother & I literally got chills when she told me this.

I was about 4 years old & we had just moved into an old house way out in the middle of nowhere. My bedroom was far away from my parents bedroom, so they put baby monitors out in case I needed something I wouldn't have to scream at the top of my lungs in the middle of the night just to get their attention. Anyway, after the first few months my mother would wake up in the middle of the night & she heard mumbling over the baby monitors, which she just thought was me in my sleep. This kept up for a few weeks and then one morning in the summer she asked me how I had slept, to which I replied "not good" and she asked me why & I said "because the man came downstairs and started shaking my bed."

This house was originally 2 stories with the upstairs being an attic, but the stairs were removed & the attic sealed a long time before we moved in. Since there were no stairs, she thought I dreamed it and the thought was left alone for a few months. We were renting this house because we weren't going to be living in the area for very long, so within 3 months a house inspector came by to make sure we didn't have pets, there were no markings on the walls, etc. and my mom was curious so she asked what happened to the stairs that led to the attic / where the stairs used to be.

The inspector said the stairs used to be in my bedroom, and they ended right where my bed was & the reason the attic was sealed off was because the man who built the house hung himself in the attic.

We've since moved out of the house, but I still get chills thinking about this.
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I just heard about this incident the other day from my mother & I literally got chills when she told me this.

I was about 4 years old & we had just moved into an old house way out in the middle of nowhere. My bedroom was far away from my parents bedroom, so they put baby monitors out in case I needed something I wouldn't have to scream at the top of my lungs in the middle of the night just to get their attention. Anyway, after the first few months my mother would wake up in the middle of the night & she heard mumbling over the baby monitors, which she just thought was me in my sleep. This kept up for a few weeks and then one morning in the summer she asked me how I had slept, to which I replied "not good" and she asked me why & I said "because the man came downstairs and started shaking my bed."

This house was originally 2 stories with the upstairs being an attic, but the stairs were removed & the attic sealed a long time before we moved in. Since there were no stairs, she thought I dreamed it and the thought was left alone for a few months. We were renting this house because we weren't going to be living in the area for very long, so within 3 months a house inspector came by to make sure we didn't have pets, there were no markings on the walls, etc. and my mom was curious so she asked what happened to the stairs that led to the attic / where the stairs used to be.

The inspector said the stairs used to be in my bedroom, and they ended right where my bed was & the reason the attic was sealed off was because the man who built the house hung himself in the attic.

We've since moved out of the house, but I still get chills thinking about this.

I just heard about this incident the other day from my mother & I literally got chills when she told me this.

I was about 4 years old & we had just moved into an old house way out in the middle of nowhere. My bedroom was far away from my parents bedroom, so they put baby monitors out in case I needed something I wouldn't have to scream at the top of my lungs in the middle of the night just to get their attention. Anyway, after the first few months my mother would wake up in the middle of the night & she heard mumbling over the baby monitors, which she just thought was me in my sleep. This kept up for a few weeks and then one morning in the summer she asked me how I had slept, to which I replied "not good" and she asked me why & I said "because the man came downstairs and started shaking my bed."

This house was originally 2 stories with the upstairs being an attic, but the stairs were removed & the attic sealed a long time before we moved in. Since there were no stairs, she thought I dreamed it and the thought was left alone for a few months. We were renting this house because we weren't going to be living in the area for very long, so within 3 months a house inspector came by to make sure we didn't have pets, there were no markings on the walls, etc. and my mom was curious so she asked what happened to the stairs that led to the attic / where the stairs used to be.

The inspector said the stairs used to be in my bedroom, and they ended right where my bed was & the reason the attic was sealed off was because the man who built the house hung himself in the attic.

We've since moved out of the house, but I still get chills thinking about this.

oh god... that's scary *__*
My family always goes to Big Island, Hawaii every year. We rented a house instead of a hotel because it's a lot better. We rented a house one time and...ugh, it gives me shivers. I hate Hawaii because of this and I'm looking forward to moving to Norway just to get the hell away from there. Every year, something stupid and freaky happens and no one believes me.

So, like I said, my family stays in houses instead of hotels for many reasons. I don't remember the age of this one but the house we stayed in was weirdly built. The stairs would lead up to the building but then only the living room would be above and everything else was build in this basement. Hard to explain. Anyway, first night my sister found a cockroach in her mouth. That's not the story, I just thought it was funny and she deserved it. Moving on, my bedroom was, of course, in the basement. Now, you may be thinking, basements are underground. Again, weird house. The "basement" as it was called in the description of the house was actually the first floor but they built stairs that went to the second story so you'd enter the second story first instead of the first floor but they called the second floor the first floor cause hell, why not? So, my bedroom was on ground level and there was a door leading to the beach. I cannot sleep on any night in Hawaii cause you got these stupid frogs and crickets trying to get laid so they are LOUD. Anyway, I hear something different the second night. It's about 2 in the morning and I hear footsteps. So, of course, I'm a little spooked. There are blinds covering my only window which is right across from my bed. It's rectangular and looks out towards the ocean. There's also a door next to the window. I see a dark figure walking from the beach, towards my window. It starts out very slowly. The figure walked toward my window and I could see the outline of the ears and the shape of the head, presumably bald. Anyway, I'm sitting in bed about to wet my pants cause I'm right across the window and seeing something approaching. I thought well, this guy is the neighbor so he's gonna take a right or left and uh go home. I realized that my house has no neighbors. The figure goes right smack close into the window. I cannot stress the shape of the figure enough...When it was there, he stopped to wear I could only see his head and shoulders. All of a sudden, without him moving or doing ANYTHING, it goes, "Heh, heh! Hi, there! Heh! Heh!" like someone doing the baby talk to their dog. He turns, not a normal turn, a robot turn. He didn't like step back and just start kinda walking. He did as little movement and sound as possible when he turned and he walked towards my door. The doorknob wriggled a bit and then he said "Heh, okay!" and left. You know in a movie, show, or real life where a guy is driving his pick-up truck and he see a deer coming up in the headlights and the deer lifts it's head. It's not moving, just looking stupid and shocked? That's me that night. I didn't tell my dad or my mom because I wanted to see if they'd ever bring it up as happening to them but they never did.
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I was lying in bed one day and then I couldn't sleep so I tried going to the kitchen to get some water,but then I couldn't move and is/was paralyzed.My eyes started to turn dry because I couldn't blink and then the room swirled around me like you were spinning,and the closet doors flung open and clowns and spirits flew out of it,my window opened and ravens flew out into the room,and most of all,the bed disappeared and I fell into a clown's hands,and it started laughing really loudly and dropped me onto the floor.Then Foxy and Freddy appeared along with Chica,and then they started screaming at me.After that,they blew up and these purple things emerged from the remains and stared at me then their eyes fell out and blood came out with it.Their face slowly rotted infront of me,like a time lapse,and then this pale girl formed from their remains and stared at me coldy.She swung at me and then she grabbed my face over to hers.Then I felt a horrible pain on the side of my face,and saw dark,black stuff on the carpet.
And then everything faded away and I woke up.It was pretty.....scary and I was pretty scared for a week or so.But it turns out I flipped onto a table and then I slammed againest it.
I search link transparent. NO transparent links. I search zelda transparent. I get 5,000 Links.