Hi Everyone!


Senior Member
Sep 1, 2008
Old Eggs
Hi I am Swedish X3 and I am currently learn ing the english. This is very good. I like a cat, a dog and a bird, but I also like a fish. A family is CRAZY XD. A family is not know ing very much because a family did not pass a school ing.

I am do ing a pass ing of a school ing,(sorry my self is not very good with a English language) in a process of do ing this. A animal cross ing is the great game for everyone in a family really really likes it XD and so it all shares a game with it all.

My interests is in a profile, and it is pretty interest ing <3 maybe a person will like it read ing it.

Happy are a greeting from my self. How is a forum work ing?

Maybe I can be help full for a forum? In any way it is nice to have a meat ing with all!

oh yea - sorry i did not make a introduc tion before. busy.
(sorry my self is not very good with a English language)
Comme qu'on dit chez nous, gros mytho va ! T'parles mal Ang. et t'