Buying nicknameable jirachi & nicknameable shiny female espurr

Nicknamable Jirachi can only happen if it's Pokegenned, Otherwise I can attempt to breed you a competitive Female Espurr.
Nicknamable Jirachi can only happen if it's Pokegenned, Otherwise I can attempt to breed you a competitive Female Espurr.

Actually, you can get a nicknamed Jirachi without genning. You can do it by RNGing your trainer ID and Secret ID to the same one as the event.

What nickname do you want Jirachi to have just in case I decide to RNG one of my games?
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i would love the jirachi to be called Sinistra if you're ever able to do it! :3
tbh idk what i want to call the espurr yet but i'll sort it out lol, she doesn't have to have perfect stats or anything either. hyogo i'm actually working on your qr right now lol haaaay~
Oh welp, I'd better cancel the back up then, Thought you didn't want anything to do with it anymore haha so I made a thread last night hoping to find another taker.

Since I've ordered from you before, I'd prefer yours anyway but I'll get to breeding an Espurr soon, you'll want one with half decent stats atleast zzz
LMAO sorry i had loads of orders ahead of you and they take ages D: the last one i did took 3 days. but yeah i'm finally around to yours now, should be finished soon just need to finish shading the fur :3