Recent content by yuiconnor

  1. Y

    Trying to get 100 visits

    My major name is yui and I'm able to visit 10 times :)
  2. Y

    The Katie Thread

    can i have katie after you please?
  3. Y

    Buying Buying the following items with TBT (Buying the beach set!)

    I have metal guitar and folk guitar, you want them?
  4. Y

    Dream Code Exchange...

    have fun checking out other's dream code:D
  5. Y

    Looking for fruit.

    let me know if you still looking for fruit. you can come to my town. take any fruit you would like (including perfect peaches :) ) I will tt for you to let them grow, I think I already shaked all of my fruit yesterday
  6. Y

    I love this game

    I was non-stopping playing this game for the first month I got it.. lol still love it today.
  7. Y

    giving 1 tbt per visit for my TS upgrade (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

    ill comeover just add me. Ill add u back whenever u're ready.
  8. Y


    can i still have her if possible?
  9. Y

    6 Signatures needed

    open your gate please :D
  10. Y

    6 Signatures needed

    I need 6 signatures from another town for Sprinkles. Let me know if anyone would help. I will be waiting :p
  11. Y

    I'll add you back :D let me know if you want to play:cool:

    I'll add you back :D let me know if you want to play:cool:
  12. Y

    Can I use someone's garden shop

    I can bring you a watering can
  13. Y

    Looking for friends

    You can add me if you want to :D I will add you back just let me know :D
  14. Y

    Train Station Upgrade (need 100 visitors)

    Let me know still I will come