Recent content by yoursocreepy

  1. Y

    Trading  Does anybody have Tiffany in their village?

    I would consider Tiffany a dream villager of mine and I will trade up to 30k bells for her if anybody is willing to let me adopt her. If anyone makes a deal we will have to trade after the 5th of Jan because that's when a villager is moving out of my town (I have 10 villagers so when he moves I...
  2. Y

    Nobody will move out? I want advice!

    A quick way I got a villager to move out in my town (their house was directly in front of mine and it was really annoying so i wanted them to leave) was by pushing them around, hitting them with a net and not being nice to them in general. After a little while they said they were going to move...
  3. Y

    My scamming experience today

    So today I got Club Tortimer and decided to go online with some randomers at the island, all the people I met were really nice, then there was this one girl who was being nice to me then asked if we wanted to do a trade. She said to me "Can I have your eye patch for 99k?" (not her exact words...