Recent content by Tsubasamilkybunny

  1. Tsubasamilkybunny

    Trading Chèvre!

    She's in boxes right now. I'm just waiting for a trade or if she's someone dreamie and they have nothing I want then I will negotiate.
  2. Tsubasamilkybunny

    Trading Chèvre!

    Aw. I really love ch?vre she's so sweet and nice but unfortunately she's leaving me :(. I might try to find if she's someone's dreamie so she can have a great home.
  3. Tsubasamilkybunny

    Trading  Chèvre!

    [LF] villagers : Coco, Pate, Flurry, beau, Whitney, zuker, stitches, Bianca, lucky, O'Hare,and tangy. Or wish list items
  4. Tsubasamilkybunny

    Trading  Yellow roses

    Looking for pink,purple, or black roses if not they're free
  5. Tsubasamilkybunny

    Trading Merengue for Rosie!

    I have Rosie but I have ten villagers
  6. Tsubasamilkybunny

    Trading  Last chance for Rosie!

    Looking for villagers: Coco, Skye, Ch?vre, Pate, Marina, or Merengue. And will consider other cute villagers
  7. Tsubasamilkybunny

    Trading Rosie!

    I think only her catchphrase is different. I'm not exactly sure.
  8. Tsubasamilkybunny

    Trading  Rosie!

    Looking for villagers: Coco, Skye, Pate, Marina, Ch?vre, or Merengue.
  9. Tsubasamilkybunny

    Trading  Merry!

    Looking for bells or dlc's or cute villagers : coco, pate, skye, ch?vre, marina, Deirdre, or fuchsia
  10. Tsubasamilkybunny

    Thank you! I love her too!

    Thank you! I love her too!
  11. Tsubasamilkybunny

    Trading  Merry!

    Looking for Coco, Skye, Pate, or Marina. Or will consider other cute villagers like Colton,flurry,Ankha also I need a uchi villager so I will take fuchsia or Deirdre Will take dlc's or bell offers
  12. Tsubasamilkybunny

    Trading  Chief!

    Looking for COCO,PATE,CHEVRE,SKYE, marshal,marina,merengue, or julian Or bell offers
  13. Tsubasamilkybunny

    Trading Blanche!

  14. Tsubasamilkybunny

    Trading Blanche!

    Im sorry i dont really want phoebe but if blanche is your dreamie we can work something out
  15. Tsubasamilkybunny

    Trading  Blanche!

    Looking for skye, pate, marina!! Or maybe other cute villagers or bells