Recent content by Toothless

  1. Toothless

    Hello I'm Toothless

    thanks everyone! How do I set a picture as my profile picture or signature? p.s did you bring cake?
  2. Toothless

    Pocket Camp Advice

    The thing is, I only used that character for that story, (excluding Picket Camp) that had been specifically shared between me and this other person. I wouldn't ever go back to writing that story or using that name for anything else ever again because of the memory. I even deleted the playlist...
  3. Toothless

    Pocket Camp Advice

    Hello everyone! I hope it's okay to ask for some Pocket Camp advice here! A little back story, I had a friend who I had a shared story with on another site, we'd been friends since 2014 and I had considered her an Online best friend. We recently had a falling out due to some...
  4. Toothless

    Hello I'm Toothless

    Hello there, my name is Toothless I am female but Toothless wasn't taken so I jumped on it xD I am an Animal Crossing fan who loves Disney, How to Train Your Dragon and more. I was introduced to AC on a friend's game cube and then got Wild World for my DS. Not sure what else to say about...