Recent content by therian

  1. T

    Giveaway Peck is looking for a good home! [Unoriginal]

    I would like him if he's still free :)
  2. T

    Giveaway Villager generator-Request a villager you want

    I would like Shari if she is still in your town! :) thanks
  3. T

    Giveaway Villager generator-Request a villager you want

    Would you happen to have Chief, Ruby or Shari? :)
  4. T

    Buying Megaphone!

    Thankyou, I'll add you!
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    Buying  Megaphone!

    Hi, I started my game recently again and don't have a megaphone, could anyone sell me one asap? I will pay 10 tbt :lemon:
  6. T

    Thank you so much!!! sorry for my typos haha

    Thank you so much!!! sorry for my typos haha
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    Selling 100% Original Merengue

    Sure thing! :)
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    Selling 100% Original Merengue

    Yes I should be able to :)
  9. T

    Ideas for new villagers?

    Bat Villagers, Snake Villagers, Seahose Villagers, Hedgehog Villagers and Armadillo Villagers, there's so many possibilties :)
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    Selling 100% Original Merengue

    Hi I can do 50 tbt
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    Selling 100% Original Merengue

    what about 35 tbt?
  12. T

    Hi, sorry I realised my villagers are fulled up for Doobie :( Thank you though!

    Hi, sorry I realised my villagers are fulled up for Doobie :( Thank you though!