Recent content by senpaiji

  1. senpaiji

    Discord Quotes Thread

    swiggity swooty im comming for that booty
  2. senpaiji

    😈Any Monster high fans???

    lmao i never liked that show but i do get the dolls and repaint them for fun
  3. senpaiji

    Troll the person above you...

    Callie the calico cat is better (as the in the children TV show)
  4. senpaiji

    Do you like sweet or sour foods better?

    I love sweets :3 I remember I had this ice cream covered in cotton candy
  5. senpaiji

    Place your random thoughts.

    When you eat a potatoes and spit it out isn't that smash potatoes? What if mermaid man was real? If he's called mermaid man wouldnt he be a mermaid with a mermaid tail
  6. senpaiji

    Do you prefer big or small ACNL homes?

    I would prefer big houses because of putting in sets of furniture to get the Golden badge
  7. senpaiji

    🍓 The Food Name Game 🍰

    tacos :3 I live in texas so theres always taco trucks and their really good
  8. senpaiji

    Favorite ACNL Season?

    same winter is my favorite because of the snow women and men :3333333 and with light up public work projects is beautiful
  9. senpaiji

    mutually using each other?

    tbh I never liked fake people like how are you going to steal money from your best friend? and then try to play it off -3-and smoke weed like jezzzzzzz :V
  10. senpaiji

    What's Your Favorite Flavor of Gum?

    I would say mint because all I got is mint but I still love fruity gum
  11. senpaiji

    Henry has a son

  12. senpaiji

    Troll the person above you...

  13. senpaiji

    Are you afraid of fire alarms

    their just annoying most when theres a test. The school I go to is really bad so someone pulled the fire alarm on STAAR testing