Recent content by Rich

  1. Rich

    Giveaway Gone Ava in boxes

    im guessing shes not available anymore right 💀 if she is tho id love to take her
  2. Rich

    Selling Marshal in boxes

    Sorry hes already taken ☹
  3. Rich

    Selling  Marshal in boxes

    Hes in boxes and he only has one shirt that I've gifted him, send your offers then I can dm with a dodo code
  4. Rich

    Who's the Ugliest Villager ? - Themed Polls

    These shouldnt even count as ugly they are acc so good
  5. Rich

    How long is your dock?

    I read that wrong but mines 14 😂❤️
  6. Rich

    Spare balloons [TAKEN]

    OMG ILL TAKE ALL OF THEM literally i love the baloons so much sidhhehe ill dm u with my friend code
  7. Rich

    The "You're Banned" Game

    banned for being dumb as a sack of bricks 💔 im sorry i thought we were banning ourselves not other ppl im gonna cry
  8. Rich

    Amiibo villagers

    Omg i forgot about this im such a dickhead my fc is 1736-6349-0550 and yeah I got persimmons lol i can get some for you
  9. Rich

    Amiibo villagers

    Splatoon inkling would be amazing also i got all the fruits if u want anything
  10. Rich

    Giveaway ADOPTED Bud is moving! 06/09/2020 ACNL

    My FC is 1736-6349-0550
  11. Rich

    Giveaway ADOPTED Bud is moving! 06/09/2020 ACNL

    Ready when you are!
  12. Rich

    Giveaway ADOPTED Bud is moving! 06/09/2020 ACNL

    Im ready on June 9th to pick him up so just tell me when you can please ☺
  13. Rich

    Giveaway ADOPTED Bud is moving! 06/09/2020 ACNL

    Oh my god yes please he was one of my old first