Recent content by redbooligan

  1. R

    Returning to ac:cf

    I just started playing city folk too and friends are impossible to find now!
  2. R

    Hullo o/ Looking for some friends

    If anyone still plays ACCF please I need some friends! I'll be your landscaper! Whatever I can't stand the solitude!
  3. R

    How old is your town?

    1 week.. and is this the only active thread anymore? I can't find anyone to be friends with so I can visit their towns :/ Name : ?GreyBull! Town: Riften Code: 3741-3157-6071 Help me out please!
  4. R


    Just need some ppl to visit is all. I have no friend codes and its kinda a. old game so ive found it hard to connect with people. Code: 3741-3157-6071 Name: ?GreyBull! Town: Riften
  5. R

    Need new ACCF friends, i don't have ACNL yet.

    Town: Riften Code : 3741-3157-6071 Mayor: ?GreyBull! I just started playing >_<....I got No friends!