Recent content by Monkeido

  1. Monkeido

    White Fence Recipe?

    Sounds very plausible to me! We'll just have to wait and see then. ^^
  2. Monkeido

    White Fence Recipe?

    Have you been able to obtain it? From searching on Google, it seems like no-one has them yet, which makes me wonder if they're even in the game currently. You'd think so because they were in the trailer, but who knows.
  3. Monkeido

    White Fence Recipe?

    Maybe a stupid question, but how do you customize/paint the fence? The customization option at the DIY workbench doesn't let you change the fences.
  4. Monkeido

    Lets talk about the new MAP

    Here's hoping that will be the case, it sounds very convenient. Otherwise I'll already know how the first few hours of my New Horizons experience are going to be. ^^'
  5. Monkeido

    After upgrading the island.

    I think the island is big enough already anyway. Besides, getting a new, bigger island after "completing" the first island, wouldn't help those people who have to share a Switch.
  6. Monkeido

    Is anyone else low key salty about the new ac?

    I don't think no cloud saving has anything to do with time travelling, but with item duplication.
  7. Monkeido

    You know what feature I want more than anything...

    I'd love if they add cooking, even if it was just for Villager requests.
  8. Monkeido

    AC:NH ~ What We Know So Far

    The more I rewatch the trailer, the more I realise how gorgeous this game looks (and I always thought it looked great). I've immensely enjoyed New Leaf, but this is looking to be a pretty big step up!
  9. Monkeido

    AC:NH ~ What We Know So Far

    Sorry if I'm not allowed to post this twice, but figured it would make sense to post it here as well: I'm guessing at least the museum is back: Why else would you be able to dig up a fossil? ^^ Timestamp: You're probably right that those are new! I don't...
  10. Monkeido

    What do you think about the new things shown to us about ACNH in Nintendo Direct?

    I'm guessing at least the museum is back: Why else would you be able to dig up a fossil? ^^ Timestamp:
  11. Monkeido

    Nintendo Direct 9.4.2019

    I really hope they at least show us something from AC:NH, but I kinda doubt it. >,<
  12. Monkeido

    Comparing Animal Crossing: New Horizons' graphics to previous titles in the series

    New Horizons is looking absolutely amazing. It's weird, but there just seems to be something "cozy" about these graphics.. or is that just me? ^^'
  13. Monkeido


    Would definitely be cool if we could make our own holidays! I kinda doubt they would add that, but I'd be all for it.
  14. Monkeido

    Unscheduled Downtime (July 5th)

    Just posted somewhere, but when going to the thread, it doesn't show up. Someone even posted after that, but that also doesn't show up. Definitely still things going on now that aren't accurate. Of course a big thanks for working on this forum though! ^^
  15. Monkeido

    Do you think your hype has died down now that the game has been revealed?

    My hype has never been higher than after the reveal. I can't deny it has died down a bit in the passed weeks, but I still can't wait to play New Horizons and definitely keep thinking about it. Here's hoping an Animal Crossing Direct will be shown within the next 3/4 months! Still a long wait...