Recent content by MayorLevi

  1. M

    Selling [Offline] IGB, Landscaping/Wishlist Items (everything 1 tbt)

    *pls dont judge my mayor/town names lol* Mayor: horniboi Town: skeetvile I have a pretty large order if that's cool! I'd like 50 sweet olive starts, 50 holly starts, 50 saplings, and 20 clovers :) If i need to downgrade just lmk. I'm down to pick up from your town too
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    Giveaway Lionel & Rory

    I'll take Lionel!
  3. M

    (Closed) The Official Looking for/Trading/Buying Thread

  4. M

    Selling Selling Buebear

    how much?
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    (Closed) The Official Looking for/Trading/Buying Thread

    On the look out for Kiki, Molly, or Ankha! Please let me know if you can help!
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    (Closed) The Official Looking for/Trading/Buying Thread

    Still in need of Ankha! I need to replace Gala who unexpectedly moved out :((
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    (Closed) The Official Looking for/Trading/Buying Thread

    Looking for Ankha! Please help me out
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    Shop Myrefall's Landscaping and ACNL's Shop of Everything ~ 100% Catalog

    IGN: Levi Town Name: Toker FC: 0533-6506-8543 Order: 10 pairs of normal saplings, 10 white azaleas, and 10 pink azaleas Total: 30 tbt
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    I'm basically only on here to get clovers. I need a BUNCH to fulfill the image I have in my mind for my town. I have a lot of TBT to spend. Persuade me (; If you want to contact me please PM! ((:
  10. M

    How about we set a date and time? Does Wednesday sound good?

    How about we set a date and time? Does Wednesday sound good?
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    I'll be at work then. Is there any way you can do it at night?

    I'll be at work then. Is there any way you can do it at night?
  12. M

    Wanna finally get this biz settled with? I'm free all day. Just let me know when you're...

    Wanna finally get this biz settled with? I'm free all day. Just let me know when you're available please
  13. M

    That's fine. I totally understand. I'm free most of tomorrow and all day Wednesday. Just let me...

    That's fine. I totally understand. I'm free most of tomorrow and all day Wednesday. Just let me know when is best for you
  14. M

    Would 10ish be too late??

    Would 10ish be too late??