Recent content by mayor-junebug

  1. M

    What is your skin type?

    Mine gets so oily like you could probably fry an egg on my forehead its ridiculous!!! I'd like to think I'm over-exaggerating but I'm not
  2. M

    do you have a favorite number?

    Mine is 5 because it comes up a lot with me. I was born in May, the 5th month of the year, on the 5th day and My name is Emily which is 5 letters and also starts with the 5th letter of the alphabet. My favorite color and eyes are blue which is the 5th color of the rainbow. That last one is a...
  3. M

    What is something you don't own that many people have?

    I do not have my driver's license yet because driving gives me anxiety, and I don't have a Wii U but i really want one. Gotta have that Mario Kart y'know
  4. M

    What's the last movie you've seen?

    The last one I watched at home was Suicide Squad for the third time. The last one in theaters was Life, which made me so upset at the end but it was a great movie. Ryan Reynolds slayed
  5. M

    What's Your Star Sign?

    Taurus yo
  6. M

    What's Your Myers-Briggs Personality Type?

    INTJ here! It's really interesting to see how many of each type there are here.
  7. M

    Hamlet Vs. Genji.

    I voted Hamlet because i love the hamsters!
  8. M

    Favorite cereal

    I love cheerios with bananas too and also honey comb cereal, its bomb :D
  9. M

    Fact about yourself

    I constantly lose my balloons Burritos
  10. M

    Am i the only one that says eh? or mhm after every sentence?

    I say eh a lot too so u good lmao, u aren't alone