Recent content by Manaberry

  1. Manaberry

    Giveaway [Closed] In anticipation for 2.0, I'm just givin' away bells!

    oh my gosh this is SO kind of you ;o; if you're still doing it, i would love to have 4 mil <3
  2. Manaberry

    Does anyone else miss villager errands?

    You're so right, it was so fun doing little helpful tasks for our villagers! Too bad its gone :( nintendo pls!
  3. Manaberry

    Is a (insert animal name here) island hard to do?

    you should do it!!! ive always wanted to do a one species island because it sounds so cute, but i have too many favs that i just cant do it ;_;
  4. Manaberry

    Buying (closed) ✨Mana's wishlist! Paying NMT, TBT, & DIYS✨

    ive just gotten it from somebody else, but thank you! :)
  5. Manaberry

    Buying (closed) ✨Mana's wishlist! Paying NMT, TBT, & DIYS✨

    aaa yes i've got it now!! but thank you still :)
  6. Manaberry

    Buying (closed) ✨Mana's wishlist! Paying NMT, TBT, & DIYS✨

    ive just gotten the sweater from someone else, but i'd love to buy the pants when you get them! :)
  7. Manaberry

    Buying (closed) ✨Mana's wishlist! Paying NMT, TBT, & DIYS✨

    awesome sounds good, send me a dodo code whenever you're ready :D if its the diy recipe then i'd love to buy it! ♥ go ahead and send a dodo code whenever youre ready, if that's alright with you!
  8. Manaberry

    Buying (closed) ✨Mana's wishlist! Paying NMT, TBT, & DIYS✨

    That's good with me! :) dm me a code whenever you're ready and i can send the tbt asap!
  9. Manaberry

    Buying (closed) ✨Mana's wishlist! Paying NMT, TBT, & DIYS✨

    bumping this as i'm now back online! (。・ω・。)ノ♡
  10. Manaberry

    Buying (closed) ✨Mana's wishlist! Paying NMT, TBT, & DIYS✨

    im heading to bed for the night so i'll check all future replies later ♥!
  11. Manaberry

    Buying (closed) ✨Mana's wishlist! Paying NMT, TBT, & DIYS✨

    thats fine with me! just let me know whenever you're available c: that's good with me!! send me a dodo code whenever you're ready and i'll send the tbt right away ♥ oh i'd love to :D! send a dodo whenever you're ready and i'll hop over! would you like anything in return?
  12. Manaberry

    Buying (closed) ✨Mana's wishlist! Paying NMT, TBT, & DIYS✨

    ah sorry!! i just got the statue, and someone else has offered the slide to me ^^;
  13. Manaberry

    Buying (closed) ✨Mana's wishlist! Paying NMT, TBT, & DIYS✨

    ahh we can go ahead and leave out the flooring for now! But for the other items i'm down to get, if you're good with 90? no problem, how about 5 tbt for just the slide c:? That sounds good! :D go ahead and pm me a dodo code whenever you're ready! ♥
  14. Manaberry

    Buying (closed) ✨Mana's wishlist! Paying NMT, TBT, & DIYS✨

    Hmm how about 90 ^_^? Someone else is offering me the tricycle, but i'm interested in the elephant slide! how much would you like for it?