Recent content by Lunova

  1. Lunova

    Auction Raymond (Auction)

    I'll keep this open for an hour to give others a chance to see (so until 6pm UK time) but if not one else wants he's yours
  2. Lunova

    Auction  Raymond Raymond (Auction)

    Raymond is moving out, will be in boxes tomorrow. He's pretty much ungifted except a few flowers etc. I believe he calls me "crispo" not sure if that's a vanilla choice or something I changed months ago. I'm accepting bells as I ran out redoing my island 😂.
  3. Lunova

    Buying Brick light house

  4. Lunova

    House still round instead of square?

    Ahhh nuuu that really sucks I'll let someone else hold her for a bit
  5. Lunova

    House still round instead of square?

    So I adopted chevre from someone and she has a round house, is this still meant to happen? Or is it a bug
  6. Lunova

    Buying  Brick light house

    Hi I'm looking for the brown brick lighthouse, can trade nmt or nook stop items 1590942988 Bump
  7. Lunova

    Buying Brick lighthouse for 3 nmt?

    Done :3
  8. Lunova

    Buying Brick lighthouse for 3 nmt?

    Sure thing! I'll just get the item real quick
  9. Lunova

    Buying Brick lighthouse for 3 nmt?

    Sure! Want me to friend and mail it?
  10. Lunova

    Buying Brick lighthouse for 3 nmt?

    I have the white windmill with small red stripes on it :3
  11. Lunova

    Buying  Brick lighthouse for 3 nmt?

    Feel free to friend and mail it to me or I can pick it up! Preferably today :)
  12. Lunova

    (Closed) The Looking For Thread (New Horizons Edition)

    Shep is moving! Looking for: Molly, Lolly, Chevre and Lilly :3
  13. Lunova

    (Closed) The Looking For Thread (New Horizons Edition)

    Looking for Mitzi, Molly, lolly, chevre and Lilly! Can offer pretty much anything!
  14. Lunova

    Giveaway  Timbra in boxes tomorrow

    Let me know if you want her! I believe she's completely original :3
  15. Lunova

    Giveaway Villager Giveaway!

    I'm looking for Molly, I'm Amber from Arausio. I'm looking forward to this lockdown being over so I can finally hug my boyfriend again - missing him so much