Recent content by inSein

  1. inSein

    Who's moving in tomorrow?

    Mine was/is Bob. I still have to greet him.
  2. inSein

    What's Your Approval Rating?

    I'm at either 81 or 91. Dx I hope doing the stuff I did yesterday will help it go up. I really don't feel like fishing for trash. I'm just getting fish. Not that this is a bad thing, but I want to do mayor stuff now. If I don't get this done today...
  3. inSein

    Clothing [Clothing] Hooded Black Leather Jacket

    o - o The V neck on it kind of breaks it for me. Still really nice, except for that part. I suppose it would look better on a character, though. So it'll work.
  4. inSein

    Clothing Dress Collection ( Part 1 )

    The first one is adorable. I'll get that one, absolutely. The last one gives me a good idea. Oh, and the cat one is awesome.
  5. inSein

    Clothing Dotted Bikini

    Wooooh. Built in boobs. Actually, that light blue one is really pretty. I actually really kinda like that one.
  6. inSein

    Good reason. I'm getting the bundle; Don't have a code yet.

    Good reason. I'm getting the bundle; Don't have a code yet.
  7. inSein

    Which character are you?

    Chief The cranky and somewhat mean Chief. He is often rude and nasty to others for no reason. He doesn't seem to care when he insults someone, or leaves them angry or depressed. It's just his nature! However it is quite a big deal if he is the one who is left upset. Pretty much.
  8. inSein

    How do you feel about the Gender Options in the game?

    I like this a lot. I probably will wear pants and shirts that are girly, still. I will wear dresses, but I have to get used to it. This seems odd to me, since I never... do. I'm probably gonna just, screw the police, and dress like a dude. And get my dudefriend to wear a dress and all that...
  9. inSein

    Scariest Thing About AC:NL?

    It feels like you're all hardcore gossiping about those poor little animals, and they can't do a thing about it.
  10. inSein

    =D Journey is a fantastic game.

    =D Journey is a fantastic game.
  11. inSein

    Artwork lace and flower patterns

    I have a thing for lacey patterns. This is hawt.
  12. inSein

    Path Garden Path

    Well, I'm absolutely gonna use this.
  13. inSein

    Gender in Video Games

    Unless they're on the internet. Internet right now acts like a girl playing game is only a girl who wants attention. It's stupid. I don't care either way. Play as whoever you want to play as. I personally only play as a girl, if possible. Either way though, it isn't that big a deal.
  14. inSein

    How would you feel if...

    I think I would literally die.
  15. inSein

    last film you watched!

    Face Off.