Recent content by Iamapandabear

  1. Iamapandabear

    Giveaway lots of freakin' hybrids!

    Darns. Missed it by a hair. :(
  2. Iamapandabear

    Buying  Items on Wishlist

    I would prefer to pay IGB but can do TBT for buying items in bulk (10+ items at once). Please post your item(s) and price. Please see wishlist in signature. Thank you.
  3. Iamapandabear

    Giveaway 2m Bells!

    Friend code on sidebar and signature. I would like to enter. :)
  4. Iamapandabear


    FC on sidebar. I would like to enter.
  5. Iamapandabear

    Hi, sorry for the late response. I will open my gate in 2 minutes if you're still interested in...

    Hi, sorry for the late response. I will open my gate in 2 minutes if you're still interested in selling your perfect apples. Please let me know as I will be logging off in the next 15 minutes or so. Thank you.
  6. Iamapandabear

    Perfect Apples on Premium at Re-Tail

    If you're interested in selling your perfect apples at the Re-Tail please let me know. I need visitors anyway for the station upgrade. :) My native fruit are oranges.
  7. Iamapandabear

    Buying buying red and white tulips

    Ok. :) I'll bring them to the station and open my gate. It'll be in 5 minutes. ** Gates are open!
  8. Iamapandabear

    Buying buying red and white tulips

    Sounds great. Adding you now. Your town or mine?
  9. Iamapandabear

    Buying buying red and white tulips

    I have 30 tulips mostly red. Interested?
  10. Iamapandabear

    Giveaway [OFFLINE] come and pick up unorderables and a few golden tools!

    I'll try again. Having issues.
  11. Iamapandabear

    Giveaway [OFFLINE] come and pick up unorderables and a few golden tools!

    I love visiting new towns! Mayor: Camay Town: Ventosia
  12. Iamapandabear

    Giveaway ```

    This is so neat. :)
  13. Iamapandabear

    Shop Closed!

    I love it! You even did the freckles! Thank you so much! The instructions were helpful too because I definitely did not know what to do next. :blush:
  14. Iamapandabear

    Buying Signature

    I contacted Simple and she has accepted my request. I noted you referred me. Thank you so much! :)