Hypno KK's latest activity

  • Hypno KK
    Yeah, I play older games all the time! I was a kid in the 90s so I've got a lot of nostalgia for the GB/GBC and PSX especially, though I...
  • Hypno KK
    Hypno KK reacted to BobRocks20's post in the thread Letters! with Like Like.
    Update: I was impatient. Last I checked (a few hours ago), I got letters back from 3 out of the 4 villagers I sent my letters to. The...
  • Hypno KK
    Hypno KK replied to the thread Letters!.
    That's really weird! I thought they were always guaranteed to send letters back O.o
  • Hypno KK
    Hypno KK reacted to BobRocks20's post in the thread Letters! with Like Like.
    Update: OK, this is weird. I haven't gotten any letters back from my villagers related to what I sent out in the past two days. I'll...
  • Hypno KK
    Hypno KK replied to the thread Journals? Communities?.
    I ended up caving and creating a journal right here on TBT! https://www.belltreeforums.com/threads/postcards-from.628219/
  • Hypno KK
    Hypno KK replied to the thread Postcards from 🐾🍀.
    Welcome to another update! Puddles is the most recent move-in. I think it's funny that some of the villagers I got in this game would...
  • Hypno KK
    Hypno KK sparkly watered the flowers on BogusMeatFactory's post in the thread Moving?.
    Oooohhh this I don't know. I do know you can avoid having someone move if you visit a town by transferring your character to a blank...
  • Hypno KK
    Hypno KK sparkly watered the flowers on BobRocks20's post in the thread Letters!.
    Okay, I got my Switch back. The experiment starts now! Hmm… I dunno if I should log my findings here or go somewhere else but I’m just...
  • Hypno KK
    Hypno KK replied to the thread Moving?.
    I've been looking into this. There's a claim that, once your town is full, only the last arrival can move out randomly. This means your...
  • Hypno KK
    Hypno KK sparkly watered the flowers on BogusMeatFactory's post in the thread Travelling Without Losing a Villager.
    So when I was watching my friend play Animal Crossing on the Gamecube, I noticed something that I never did before. At the train...
  • Hypno KK
    I had no idea anyone remembered Umm Jammer Lammy (as opposed to PaRappa) so seeing this thread is cool! I tried to revisit the games on...
  • Hypno KK
    Hypno KK sparkly watered the flowers on micat's post in the thread Postcards from 🐾🍀.
    what omg.. I’ve heard about villagers stealing your money in the original but I had no idea it could be that much 😭 sorry if you don’t...
  • Hypno KK
    Hypno KK replied to the thread Postcards from 🐾🍀.
    That's totally fine! I'm glad you're enjoying it and thank you for commenting :D Anicotti did give me a choice (though it wasn't the...
  • Hypno KK
    Hypno KK replied to the thread Leif offspring 🦥.
    I can't quite imagine Leif starting a family but baby Leifs would be so cute! I love Daisy Mae and I think her introduction made sense...
  • Hypno KK
    Hypno KK replied to the thread Which personality type are YOU?.
    Definitely Uchi haha.