Recent content by Harry

  1. Harry

    Help Me Decide on a Town Name?

    My town name is awful, its London
  2. Harry

    Trading Nintendo Items

    Ill do it later
  3. Harry

    Trading Nintendo Items

    No problem :) - - - Post Merge - - - I still have these items for trade Yellow Pikmin x1 Majora's Mask x1 Varia Suit shoes x3
  4. Harry

    Trading Nintendo Items

    Jessie i will do that trade and also buy the samus hat. add me and open your gates :) - - - Post Merge - - - I will buy the varia pants how much do you want
  5. Harry

    Official Pattern Requests Thread

    Could someone please make a Dalek face cutout stand :)
  6. Harry

    Trading Nintendo Items

    Sure add me :) - - - Post Merge - - - Ok Jelle i am coming over - - - Post Merge - - - Starry I can come over now
  7. Harry

    Trading Nintendo Items

    Ok sure add me and open your gates :)
  8. Harry

    Trading  Nintendo Items

    Hi, I am looking to trade out a few Nintendo items for bells/other Nintendo items. Nintendo items I have for trade: Yellow Pikmin x1 Majora's Mask x1 Varia Suit shoes x3 Nintendo items I don't have: Hero's Clothes Midna's Mask Toad Hat Red Pikmin Varia Pants Peach's Parasol Bad Bro's Stache...
  9. Harry

    Auction 3 axes short auction

  10. Harry

    Buying  Stero

    I have a few songs but still no stereo. I will buy any nice stereo but preferably the Phonograph.
  11. Harry

    If you could create a tool...

    A gun so I could make villagers leave
  12. Harry

    Buying Axes

    Okay I'll add you open your gates please :)
  13. Harry

    Buying Axes

    say 5-10k for both
  14. Harry

    Giveaway Big Giveaway EVERYTHING MUST GO!

    I would like some hero's clothes please if there are any left. :)
  15. Harry

    Buying  Axes

    I really need to cut trees down in my town so I am buying as many axes as possible. If you want to sell me axe(s) put a price below.