Recent content by foxinlyfox

  1. F

    Buying Shells

    Okay that works for me!
  2. F

    Buying  Shells

    In desperate need of Sand Dollars and coral. Will pay on bells and NMT. Name your price
  3. F

    Selling  Extra DIYS

    Diys for sale/trade -Cherry blossom bonsai -Mush partition -Ornament Mobile -Cherry blossome trees wall Looking for NMT and any Christmas diys
  4. F

    Selling  Coco (Ungifted)

    Looking for NMT :)
  5. F

    Giveaway Free mom’s items

    Dodo is above :$
  6. F

    Giveaway Free mom’s items

    Because it disconnected I’m opening again here’s the dodo FCJGS
  7. F

    Giveaway  Free mom’s items

    I have a ton of good stuff that I have too much of, it’s all free and you can take however many things you want just be respectful please (: comment below if you’d like to come and I’ll message you the dodo code! there is fencing around where the items are, don’t leave the fenced area or you’ll...
  8. F

    Selling Moms items

    I’m looking for bells and I’m not sure how much they sell for
  9. F

    Selling  Moms items

    I have about 15 plushies, 5 cakes, 8 pen stands. I have a few aprons, multicolor, flowers, and the green/white one with trees. I have one white sweater that has flowers on it and 1 geometric fox one
  10. F

    Selling Lily of the Valley

    I’ll get back to you! I didn’t see anyone reply till now haha I’m currently out of town for a bit!
  11. F

    Selling  Lily of the Valley

    I have way too many I’d like to get rid of, make offers please as I don’t know how much they normally sell for; I’ll accept bells or nmt :)
  12. F

    Buying  Fish Bait For NMT/Bells

    I need a lot of fish bait! I see a lot of people overpricing for it so please let me know what you think is a reasonable price!
  13. F

    Buying  Fish Bait

    Can pay in NMT or wishlist items
  14. F

    Selling Raymond the cat

    Oh geez haha 1590902095 No but he can be in 10 mins or less :)