Recent content by fabpandas23

  1. F

    Buying  Box Sofa

    I am looking for parts to the box sofa I have three corner parts and I need three parts that goes in the middle of the corners please let me know if you have one. PS if you are wondering why I need one it is because I am turning my basement into a night club
  2. F

    Sorry I all ready did

    Sorry I all ready did
  3. F


    I have a bunch of perfect pears like 3 invatories full and I need to go to some were to sell it so please let me know my fc is 0774-5112-3573
  4. F


    Can I sell at your town I got the decrees pattern I think but I am going camping so I can't check later this week
  5. F


    I am deciding to start on the turnips market and I need help from other people I am willing to notify daily of my turnip prices if you want to sell in my town
  6. F

    Looking for fellow players!

    I use bf messaging sestem - - - Post Merge - - - My fc is 0774-5112-3573
  7. F

    Hey sorry mark was taking my stuff so I had to turn off my WiFi I will open my gate again

    Hey sorry mark was taking my stuff so I had to turn off my WiFi I will open my gate again
  8. F


    Ok I sent you my fc - - - Post Merge - - - I opened my gate
  9. F

    Ok my fc is 0774-5112-3573

    Ok my fc is 0774-5112-3573
  10. F


    I am looking for people who would proboly want to hang out or go to the island with me also if you want you could star in one of my YouTube videos
  11. F

    Selling Garage sale!

    Hey can I come over I would like to buy a lot of the items my fc is 0774-5112-3573
  12. F

    Yeah but I am going to recording tomorrow when I play

    Yeah but I am going to recording tomorrow when I play
  13. F

    Ok now is good let me open my gate

    Ok now is good let me open my gate
  14. F

    My fc is 0774-5112-3573

    My fc is 0774-5112-3573
  15. F

