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  • Katie drops her ticket only when you try to take her to a town where she already is or just was. This is to prevent paradoxes. It doesn't affect the reward you receive in the mail, and Katie will now be gone from your town, just as if you successfully dropped her off somewhere.
    If you'd like to give me those food items, I'll certainly take them. But if you're attached, then you're welcome to keep them.

    And awesome, let me add your FC.
    There's not much I want besides those villagers. But how about I just give her to you! I haven't had anyone else contact me. When can you pick her up? c:
    Thanks for getting back to me!
    Sorry I couldn't help this time.
    I'll be on the lookout for the others tho!
    I was online but afk. I think you are two hours ahead of me. Let me know next time you're online :D
    I did took her to your town (today I got her letter thanking me for taking her to Macaroon), it just takes like 2-3 days for her to appear to you, you don't see her when she's "exploring" your town, when you see her is when she will ask you to take her to another town :D

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