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  • My goodness, how did they manage to do that? :eek: That's fine, it won't hurt to keep hold of your items a bit longer.
    It's not that but I also have to go to work. I am half tempted to just leave the 3DS on over night so that you can come and collect. What do you think? If I tell you where the items are then I can't see any harm in doing it.
    Are you available today at all? I really can't hold onto these items much longer, they're taking up too much space.
    I'm just delivering right now but will open straight after, will let you know when it's open.
    Hi, sorry to pester you but I need to know whether you're still up for collecting your order as I'm sorting a lot of the items out in my town.
    In that case, I am 5 hours ahead of you. To simplify, I'm usually available from 5AM - 5PM EST time during the weekends but during the week my availability gets more complicated as I have to work. What time best suits both our availability?
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