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  • Terribly late response but yes my signature is from Night on the Galactic Railroad! It's one of my favourite films :)
    oh, rad. :D
    I'm pretty much always available and am willing to have guests over... been sick this week, so not the best for hanging out with anyone in a video game, but yeah. :'> I'm almost completely better as of today, though...
    your town looks really nice. I hope we can hang out sometime, even if it's in my town first. uvu
    Hey it turns out I didn't need the signatures from only mice, so I was able to get them already. Thank you for offering to let me come though!!
    Hey! You can come to my town for signatures if you need them? I actually still need mine done as well. So if you're up for doing mine as well. thanks :)
    Thank you for visiting my dream address, I'm so thrilled when people like my town, it makes all the hard work of landscaping worth it aha. c: If you visit again let me know, or if you'd ever like to just visit on the train!
    Thank you so much for offering but he actually replaced basically everything that they took! I really appreciate it though!
    I feel like I'm sponging off your kindness :(
    ...but how long could I keep my stuff there before you'd want it gone for sure? I'm being super picky and want the right one so I don't have to drop my stuff off like this again...
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