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  • Hi! I have Diana one step away from being in boxes. Once you're ready, let me know and I'll complete the last step and open my gates.
    Rosie's all set. Total is 1 million IGB. My gate is open, so whenever you're ready! :)
    Oh my goodness, so sorry for the mishap!
    I unfortunately can't get the Gracie lamp until tomorrow as I am just transferring the items from Trasey and do not have them myself.
    You're order will be first priority tomorrow! (I'll also send over some TBT to compensate for the wait)
    Hello! You can make the payment to Trasey after your order has been delivered :)
    I'm on my way to your town!
    Hello! I'm Sam and I will be delivering your order from Trasey's shop.
    Your order will be ready within the next hour!
    Please add my friend code (3969-8680-1827) and let me know when you would be available for delivery :)
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