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  • Whelp, didn't get the fine painting since I didn't know if you needed it or not... sorry.
    if you're good at English, you'll probably have it easy with Spanish as well since those languages are closer to each other than one might think- (then again, I tried my luck with Luxembourgish, thinking I'd be able to speak it because I know German and Austro-Bavarian (kind of) but nope- it's /because/ I know those that I'm unable to speak it pff)
    (Gonna reply properly later- I'll just stop here to tell you that Redd's got a fine painting today and I already have it so if you need it--- yeah.. uvu
    *disappears bc she's got driving lessons soon*)
    Sorry for the late reply :I
    I wanted to reply earlier but.. I got kinda busy (and today morning, I just couldn't think properly hah)

    Japanisch ist auch anstrengend.. wegen den ganzen Schriftzeichen :I Ohne die wäre es auch nicht soooo schwer... und mich persönlich nervt es, wenn Leute Deutsch nur als aggressiv ansehen- es gibt genug Beispiele die vom anderen zeugen :/ Nya...
    I'm still trying really hard to make space in my town (dang my neighbour for accidentally sending me Opal via streetpass pff) but it doesn't seem to work so far.. one day, Savannah, Gaston, Purrl, and I will be united again-- one day- *dramatic/sad music plays*

    ........sorry. I'm a dork.
    (Pssst.. next time one of us visits the other, I'm going to put you as bestie because you're gr8 and super nice uvu *hides bc she's an awkward human being*)
    Es ist weniger, dass ich Mathe nicht verstehe.. es ist nur so, dass ich dafür mehr "Speicher" brauche und sozusagen "andere Dinge überschreibe"- ich konnte mal fliessend Japanisch, kann jetzt aber kaum mehr Kanjis lesen und sprechen kann ich es überhaupt nichtmehr- (ich kann aber teilweise noch Animes ohne subs anschauen) was daran liegt, dass ich mich mehr mit anderen Dingen beschäftigen musste (besonders Ma pff)

    I think English is the best language to talk in because it's got pretty much everything you need. Sure, French, Spanish and Italian are considered more beautiful than English, but I don't think so. I mean- Shakespeare thought German's better than those languages and yet everyone's like "German's just for angry people" so... *shrug* It always depends on which languages you can speak and which languages you get interested in yourself.......... I WROTE TOO MUCH AGAIN I'M SO SORRY;;
    Well, I simply picked to make English my main language- I mean, I've lived in Germany, got the German pass, but my family's mostly British (British with a chance of German *coughs* pun *coughs*) so it's only natural for me to speak the mother language (... even though my dad's the full Brit and the only one who can't speak English.. whoops)

    Ich find Sprachen cool uwu nur habe ich das Problem, dass ich, obwohl ich ein Talent für sie habe, sie schnell wieder verlerne, da ich Platz für andere Dinge machen muss *coughs* maths *coughs*
    I didn't want to use a path at first either but after I visited a bunch of towns/dream towns, I ended up using one after all pff (I had like 7 different designs already but I think I'll stick to this one because it kinda matches the stones everywhere pff)
    Oh- ... I never think about east and west whoops.. xD (which is funny because I've had friends in Düsseldorf and Cologne pff)
    North or south? o: (I'm in Bavaria pff)
    Okay then uwu (I still want to see your town someday, though- I mean, I will now buuuut.. you know what I mean :D )
    I can get you carnations, if you want uvu
    It should be mother's and/or father's day in Germany soon and I'm currently in Germany (not UK like I'll be in a few months again) or rather can change my DS to German and probably get the flowers uwu (if it works that way- which I think it does- o: )
    That's at least something, I suppose c:
    and thanks a lot for paying mog ;u; <3
    Sooo- here's my reply uwu
    Really? That'd be neat uwu Though you don't have to hurry since I have to get Opal and Clyde to move out first uwu And when the first one of them moved, I'll probably get Purrl already-- but really, it'd be super great if you could give me Gaston ;A; (I'm going to keep Ed a bit longer so he can request Stonehenge)
    I'm trying to get my old Wild World villagers back- well most of them, at least, and it's like super important to me <3 (is there anything I can do for you--? I can't do much but I'd try my best uvu)
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