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  • ah, yes! I'll add you riiiiiiiiiight now. sorry for this slightly delayed response, I'm having fun with friends on Skype and have been distracted. XD;;
    Ah, I see! I understand. School and work always gets in the way for my time schedule. :blush:
    Your sig is so beautiful. Do you have a shop for graphics requests? c:
    Hey I actually got Marcie today! Thank you so much for thinking of me! :)
    Still very interested in Marcie, by the way!!! ngl I visited your Dream Suite Town and if you need any of the pretty fun furniture I can help you out there to trade! Along with Bells/Balloons/some hybrids/etc! Whichever! I want it to be a good trade!!

    You don't have to I've already lost the chance to have her 8 times from people accidentally voiding her. T___T! Just yeah the day she's in boxes I'll come by, deliver the goods, and go talk to her! Done deal! :D! Thank you again so much!!!
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