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  • Hi, don't worry about it! I got my apples, but if you still need oranges and cherries, I'm happy to give you some. That said, you should know that Kody is moving out of my town. Idk how things work in ACNH, but I don't wanna risk dropping him on you if you don't want him.
    Hello, I have oranges and cherries! May I bring some in exchange for apples please?
    Hi I have 6IV eiscue in a Loveball with egg moves for trade.

    Can I trade or buy your eevee and corsola in a love ball for TBT? Or one for an eiscue :)
    Hi! :> Your eevee is ready whenever you can trade. I’m also unsure if you wanted the Zama still for 500?
    ah, i actually just found a gmax flapple, so i don't need it anymore! thank you very much for your offer though! :)
    i think the swsh servers are gonna be down for another two hours or so.. will you still be available then? we can also trade tomorrow! :)
    I can't find your friend request! What's your username on there? (u can pm it if u wanna keep it private)
    Just wanted to say thank you for running that Dream Address competition! It made me realise how much I actually enjoy spending time in DAs, seeing all the lovely towns that people have made :) I hope you were able to enjoy all the towns that everyone suggested to you, and were able to gain some inspiration for your own town!
    Ah sorry I fell asleep shortly after sending that as it was late here ;; lmk if you’re on later as I’m around pretty much all day!
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