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  • Shep is in boxes! I'll keep him for half an hour before voiding. Please keep in mind I messaged A Legend too, just to be fair. Please reply when you can come get him c:
    Ok, I'm back online now! Let me know if you still have Agnes when you return and I'll get her right away. Also, is there anything you'd like for your town restart?
    Yeah lol. No honestly you're welcome to it if your offer still stands <3 It saves me re-auctioning too! They went offline about 5mins before I was like omg XD
    Oh no feel really bad now ;-; I already PM'd the next one but they have been given the 10mins so you can have it <3
    Okay you won the Gracie card set! You have 10 mins to reply or I will move to the next bidder down. ^^
    Oh, and do you have the money on you right now? If so, would you be willing to give it before tomorrow?
    I hope I'm not asking too much :eek:
    Aww okay D:
    Hmm.. I guess that's okay :3 I feel like I can trust you :3
    Besides, I don't think I can get Marshal to somebody else anymore anyways, and I don't want to void him c:
    So you can come get him when you want and give me the stuff tomorrow? :eek:
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