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  • Hi there what time do you usually play? I'm in China and I play in the evenings.
    I'd like to deliver if thats okay! I'll need a little while to double check I have all the items here and to stick them in my locker, so I'll send you a message as soon as I'm ready! :)
    Oh you registered it correctly I just had not registered you yet actually I will come now before I leave the house. It will only be about 5 minutes to drop of, should be two trips. Or if you want to pick it up instead let me know.
    I will be in 2 hours and my fc for this is is the one in my profile. I just tried it on my other 3ds and it worked for me, don't know what the problem might be as I checked it over twice and have not changed it in my profile since I became a member. But here it is again just to be sure(this is taken directly from the 3ds where my profile is
    lit up so I know it is working, I thought maybe there was something wrong with Nintendo unregistering the 3ds)
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